Height/waist ratio better than BMI?

So say the UK press today, http://goo.gl/3MgfY and http://goo.gl/a2ada. Discuss.


  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    So say the UK press today, http://goo.gl/3MgfY and http://goo.gl/a2ada. Discuss.

    The NHS also say waist circumference is a good measure by itself.

    BMI with height squared in the denominator does tend to disadvantage shorter people
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Well, I checked it out. The chart says I'm below my target weight (even though using BMI, I'm dead center in the middle of the healthy range) and supposedly my husband is hideously overweight (even though he is only slightly over the healthy level using the BMI chart and he has more of a muscular build). Not sure what to think... :huh: