Bit confused here with NET calories!!!

Hi everyone!! :)

With my calories eating i left it the same as MFP set it up for me (1200 carlories per day)

but when i exercise, should i be looking at my NET calories and make sure thats up to 1200?
or should i just make sure i ear 1200 a day?

please someone explain to me what i should be doing!

and im not sure how much calories i should even be eating.


  • lizzie093
    lizzie093 Posts: 81
    im still a bit confused :(
    so if i have to eat 1200 carloies...

    so if i eat 1200 calories, and i burn 500 calories doing exericse,

    do i have to eat 1700 carlories to loose weight?
    or do i continue just eating 1200 calories?
  • bluex232
    bluex232 Posts: 135 Member
    It would be the 1700. You ate 1700 and worked off 500 so you NET 1200. If you only eat 1200 and work off 500 then you are only eating 700 calories which is not a healthy amount.
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    im still a bit confused :(
    so if i have to eat 1200 carloies...

    so if i eat 1200 calories, and i burn 500 calories doing exericse,

    do i have to eat 1700 carlories to loose weight?
    or do i continue just eating 1200 calories?

    In theory, you should be eating the 1700. MFp has already calculated a safe amount of calories for your body to live on, and lose weight safely - you xercise, your body needs more to survive, so you eat more.

    The problem with this, is that you need to make sure that you are accurately measuring your calorie intake AND your calorie burn. Try and get a heart rate monitor if you can, or try eating them all back for a while and then see what happens. Please dont end up with net cals of 1000 or below like I see a lot of people doing.
  • gurganuss
    gurganuss Posts: 78 Member
    Ok so I thought this was about it you look at your 7 day net. My problem is that the first of the seven always seems to be in the negative does this mean I am not eating enough, because I feel like I am always eating.
  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 964 Member
    Ok so I thought this was about it you look at your 7 day net. My problem is that the first of the seven always seems to be in the negative does this mean I am not eating enough, because I feel like I am always eating.

    a red minus figures means you've eaten over your net target

    I dont know where you see all your 7 days net cals at once, apart from on a graph, and on the graph it doesn't show you the red/green -/+ figures
  • sjv1966
    sjv1966 Posts: 121 Member
    Perhaps this image will help:

    Here is my diary so far today:

    (Edited captions on second image.)