JUNE STARTERS~ What's your workout?...



  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member

    Does anyone else have trouble with their knees and are trying to run/are running? Any suggestions on to how to deal with it? Does it get easier the more you run?

    I had tons of shin pain whenever I powerwalked/jogged. I shortened my stride and am now using tips from the POSE method. Basically- keep the legs from going too far infront of you and land on the ball of the foot. Not the heel!

    My exercise routine (as of now- I change it up every week or two) is 4-6 days at the gym doing cardio for 20-45 minutes. I do HIIT training on the treadmill (elipticals shred my knees).

    Once a week I do upper body using the Body For Life weight training method (increase weight/lower interval), once a week I do lower body. I don't have a separate ab routine- I work them by using free weights and doing balance stands on one leg.

    I eat one of my Choctassium bites after my workouts (cardio and strength) and looooord do I chug water. I usually drink 12 glasses on workout days. :drinker: :drinker:
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    About posting pictures ... I don't mean to be a poor sport but I don't think I'm quite ready to share pictures yet. Maybe in a few months. It's not the weight thing ... it's the camera shy thing. I hate cameras ... well when they're facing me. I love taking pictures, I just don't like being in them. I hope you all understand.:blushing:

    Ditto! I have some pics for my own use- but I'm not ready to show them yet. :embarassed:
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    I go to karate 3 times a week, for 2-hour classes, and Tai Chi 90 minutes once a week. Those are the formal classes; on the other days I practice for at least an hour and take the dog for walks.

    I've tried different routines, but I don't really like exercising just for the sake of exercising. By learning martial arts I also exercise my brain and it's fun. I tried to get hubby to run with me but he bailed after two weeks and it's too boring by myself. My Sensei is a runner, but he's really good and I need somebody who's a beginner. So for now I'll be concentrating on improving my katas.
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    My workout is walking and hiking. I really need to add in strength training but have been procrastinating. My weight is coming off very slowly; I know I need to switch-up my exercise routine....
  • AlmostHot
    AlmostHot Posts: 312 Member
    Have been doing a program called time to run which is like couch to 5K but it starts out slower, I do it 3 days per week and while my shins and the rest of me are recovering I swimm on the between days 3 days per week. I am not interested in weights yet because I have found in the past I never lose weight while I weight train, and I seem to gain muscles like men do!