Finding a balance?

So, I just calculated how many calories I should take in to lose weight based on my BMR and TDEE, and it came out to about 2220. I also calculated my boyfriend's (he's a big burly man who works in the freezer of a warehouse) and his calorie intake just to maintain his weight is over twice what mine is. Anybody have any tips on how to create healthy meals that will satisfy both our needs? I feel bad having all of this low calorie food, like I may be starving him! But now I know why I have gained so much weight since we've been together, and he's stayed relatively the same. I've been eating the same kinds of foods and basically the same amount. Has anyone else had this happen to them?


  • 75Juniper
    75Juniper Posts: 376
    I make the same meals I used to, but I eat smaller portions or make my plate healthier than my husband's. For example, if I do spaghetti and meat sauce, he can still eat what he wants of it, but I'll have less pasta and pile on some veggies or add a side salad. When we do tacos, I take less meat, cheese, and sour cream, but extra lettuce, tomato, and onion.

    We also grill out a lot - that's healthy and filling for everyone and you can create a ton of amazing combinations. We'll grill veggies, chicken, burgers, corn, pineapple. When we do burgers, I usually skip the bun to save some calories.

    Or sometimes we'll just fend for ourselves for dinner. I'll do my thing, he does his.

    You don't have to sacrifice the foods you both love. It can be hard when you look over and he's chowing down on a big plate of food and you have your reasonable portions, but if you eat in front of the TV instead of paying attention to each other, you won't even notice. :smile:
  • sarahsaur
    sarahsaur Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you! It is hard to see him able to eat so much and me so little, but I think I'm getting used to the amounts now. He wants to lose weight too, so I think I'm going to try to get him to start using this site as well. We love grilling and plan to do it several times a week this summer! I really appreciate your suggestions! You make it sound easier :P