Motivated from Mo

Hey guys and gals :)

The name is Megan. I am a 24yr old student from Missouri. Im trying real hard to keep my weight off.. but would really like to lose more. Both really work for me. Im looking for some really motivated friends to help me out and WELL I can help them out also. My boyfriend is great at motivating me however he is USAF secfo and works the night shift. Kind of hard to talk to him most times.

Idk what else to put here...

fun facts about me: Im the biggest weight loser in my family.. i am technically considered a disabled vet even though I never completed basic (if you want the story please feel free to ask).. I want to be a genetic counselor.. and My major goal is to go to a beautiful beach in a bikini. :) Nice to meet ya'll


  • LivetoRun07
    LivetoRun07 Posts: 183 Member
    Hi Megan!! I am a 20 year old student from Ohio. I don't have a lot of weight to lose (5 more lbs). I'm the "skinny fat" type of girl. I want some tone to me!! Also, I am engaged to a guy in the marines, he is in Afghanistan right now. So I know what you mean about finding it difficult to talk!! Feel free to add me!!

    Congrats on being the biggest loser :) I hope you find this site as great as I do. It just takes motivation and commitment for the first couple weeks and then it just becomes a habit. There are a lot of nice people on here and everyone is very supportive.