Can't get off the sofa :(



  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Although I really love yoga, ballet, walking, cycling....but I can't seem to make myself go to classes or a short run. I even pay for a term and want to go, I just don't go. I just prefer to watch tv and I don't really know why.

    I'm 5'8'', 84kgs and want to lose 10kgs. I eat well, cook everything from scratch, don't eat takeaways or junk food.

    Any suggestions to get me off the sofa would be muchly appreciated!

    PS this is my first forum post ever :)

    It may be a cheesy statement and may seem a bit too simple but there is only one answer to this question... you have to get up and take that first step... It is the first step that causes most plans to fail. Once you take that first step, the subsequent steps are easier and easier. Once you get into a routine, it will be hard to imagine NOT getting off the couch. You can do it. I have confidence. I was sort of like what you describe... but I took my first step and have been going to the gym faithfully for about 4.5 months now... I miss it when I can't go. Like the Nike commercial used to say ... Just do it. Best wishes. I expect great things from you!
  • builtforlife
    builtforlife Posts: 259
    Buy a preworkout drink powder.
  • Tink_889
    Tink_889 Posts: 244 Member
    Sometimes I literally struggle to get off the sofa because of pain and stuff but if it's not a physical thing for me, I set myself goals. I think it's natural at the beginning to be a bit resistant because you aren't used to it but set yourself a goal and then change that goal as time moves along.

    Don't freak yourself out! If you suddenly book in to your calender five different classes with gym sessions and a walk in between, it's unlikely to happen. I'm sure it could but I think not as likely as if you commit to maybe going for a walk and then increasing things?
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Walk or run in place while your shows are one, at first then move on to other things :)