just one- someone like me for accountability

Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
Hello, I am fairly new here and was thinking that I'd like to have just one person who would like to commit to making two messages a day- one in the am and one in the pm to help with accountability. I will also msg back with the same. My 'friends' on here are very supportive, and that helps, but a specific person to share specific goals might be even better. I was thinking a person who is sort of like me might be best- all support is helpful, but when personal interests are shared, I think the connection is even greater.
I live in northern NM, USA; mountain time zone.
I am a sort of a modern hippy I guess, I live off grid (in an earthship) and try to eat organic/non gmo and I'm gluten free for health reasons. I am a Taoist/Pagan/Wiccan/Treehuggin/Peace and freedom-loving mom wife veteran... yes that is actually possible. 8) I am a medical cannabis activist... witty and compassionate, good humored and kind.
I am petite, 5'2 at 152lbs headed to 129.
If you would like to try this commitment with me, I would love to connect with you: men, women-any kind is welcome.


  • raayfrancy
    raayfrancy Posts: 100
    Heey there, I'm on here all day - I have the app on my phone, and I access the site whenever I'm idol.
    I used to be in class and the gym all day - but, it's summer break! :'D

    So, whenever I'm not at the gym, I'm at home, kickin' it (: usually chatting on here.

    This site is what keeps me going strong -
    feel free to add me if you'd like! - if not for the accountability, then just for another positive friend on here who wants to see you succeed ^_^

    Much love,

    P.S. I'm a bit of a modern hippy myself! Ahaha... or so my friends call me.