my get up and go has gone

iv been exercising for a couple of weeks now about 4 or 5 times a week, I'v add tae bo to my work out routine but im so tired after today session. Has any one got any advice on how to get more engergised so i can do some more exercise or has anyone got any exercise's they can suggest for someone in a wheel chair


  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
    If you can move your legs, and it is okay for you to do- how about
    1) straight leg raises: lock out one leg and lift gently a few inches up and down- toes straight up or canted slightly outward
    2) overhead triceps extension with small weight.
    3) I call these 'small circles': arms straight out to the sides and make small circles and count- 3 sets of 20, or until you feel it.
    4) abdominal crunches

    best I can think of right now... best of luck and heath to you!
  • LivetoRun07
    LivetoRun07 Posts: 183 Member
    Tae Bo is a pretty hardcore workout!!

    As far as staying energized, eating the right foods, getting sleep, vitamins, etc. Also, the more consistent you keep your activity levels, the more energy you'll have :)

    Found some websites for you for wheelchair exercises!

    Hope this helps!!
  • Bobskiframps
    Bobskiframps Posts: 39 Member
    thanks for the comments, will look at those websites :)

    tae bo is abit hardcore but i enjoy doing it just need my motivation back :)
