If you're not losing your 2 pounds / week goal...

BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
If you were following the MFP guidelines and your goal was to lose 2 pounds / week, but you find after a few weeks that it's just not happening, what would you change? Could you assume at that point that your BMR perhaps isn't as high as MFP suggests it is? I'm not at that point yet as I've only had one week where I was up, but I'm curious if anyone has followed the guidelines closely and not lost the 2 pounds / week.


  • adopt4
    adopt4 Posts: 970 Member
    Yes, I hit a plateau and didn't lose anything for 3 mos. But I followed everything I was supposed to completely. I made a lot of changes, including going to the gym more often, less often, more intense workouts, more strength training... finally I stopped working out for 2 weeks completely, set my goals to lose .5 per week and BAM! 5 pound loss in less than 2 weeks. I was doing too much so my body was holding onto everything, even though I was doing what I should.

    And yes, these are general numbers, but usually people aren't eating ENOUGH rather than too much. I would recommend set it to 1 pound per week and live with that for 2 mos... see how you're doing, what your body is doing, etc. and then make a change.