jillian michaels shut up!!

lma0423 Posts: 78 Member
Today I did the 4th day of 30DS and it was SOO much better than the last three. Like a lot of you said the soreness went away bu day 4. But what really made a difference was that i MUTED the tv. Such a good idea. I didnt realize how frustrating her voice was until I went without it. I just put on my workout playlist on my computer and everything was good!


  • dragon_tattoo
    dragon_tattoo Posts: 18 Member
    haha I know what you mean. I just finished my first day and I can imagine that by the end of the 30th, I'll be glad to hear silence. But i'll have to wait until I know the dvd exercises a bit better before I mute her as I don't want to miss anything lol
  • TriciaZ944
    TriciaZ944 Posts: 317 Member
    When I was doing her workout I used to always tell her to shut up lol I couldn't stand her "pep" talks! I found her extremely annoying.
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    LOL yup. I always mute her and turn on the radio!
  • sarasmile144
    sarasmile144 Posts: 108 Member
    *shrug* I enjoy listening to her, especially when she's describing which muscles a particular exercise is working. I find it motivating :0)
  • slv23
    slv23 Posts: 1
    Today i bought a bunch of her DVDs including the 30 day shred. I get irritated pretty easy so im hoping i'll get on with these workout DVDs.What sort of diet does she recommend you do alongside the workouts?
    Hoping the lose 12lbs in 6 weeks before my beach holiday, so let see if Jillian can kick my butt into shape!!
    CW: 131
    GW: 119
  • Microfiber_wechange
    She's really NEVER bothered me tbh. I leave the sound on :wink:
  • amccall69
    amccall69 Posts: 19
    Oh, shes not really that bad, Buddy.

    Ha! I agree with you :)
  • Louizl
    Louizl Posts: 5
    I like listening to Jillian, I find her very motivating. I am pretty sure I would be tempted to stop when my legs or arms burn if she wasn't telling me not to - "as those are the ones that count the most" - that's what pushes me through and makes me determined to "finish strong". I also like knowing which muscle groups I am working, as I wouldn't have a clue and I find it very encouraging to know I am utilising so many at once.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,376 Member
    haha I know what you mean. I just finished my first day and I can imagine that by the end of the 30th, I'll be glad to hear silence. But i'll have to wait until I know the dvd exercises a bit better before I mute her as I don't want to miss anything lol


    It sucks that we have to listen until we do learn the moves correctly...By that time it will be on to week 2 & we have to listen to her again...UGH!!
  • biddysaurus
    biddysaurus Posts: 160 Member
    I mute her too! I have several of her dvds and they're great workouts. She annoys me though and if I don't mute her I end up telling her to shut up and quit growling (or whatever the heck she does) at the girls working out with her.
  • subtractionproject
    subtractionproject Posts: 64 Member
    Aw, I love her! It can get repetitive though, so I understand the muting. Sometimes though, when I am facing away from the tv, or doing push ups, I need her voice to tell me when to switch or end the set.
  • AdiposeRapture
    I just finished day 5 level 1 and I still want to hit her lol
  • Hollie_downunder
    I think she gets better as her DVDS progress- I actually laugh out loud at some parts of Ripped in 30... Because what she's saying is true and exactly what you are doing/thinking that second

    I need harsh encouragement to kick my *kitten*! :)

    I tried turbo fire recently and found Chalene waay too cheesy annoying
  • ishax24
    ishax24 Posts: 51 Member
    I mute her and put the subtitles on. I find the music irritating
  • hanahlai
    hanahlai Posts: 281 Member
    I mute her too when I do this video. After I know what she is going to say, I find it irritating to hear over and over. I blast my own music instead :- )
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    She makes me MAD!!! I mean I guess that's part of it though.. she wants you to get annoyed and be mad, so you push yourself.. Though, instead I just want to shut her off and go for a run LOL! I hear Bob's videos are better. I youtubed and got clips of his Biggest Loser DVD'S.. I love him so much more just by the clips!
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    I used to love JM dvds and they were very effective for me BUT I know what you mean. After I started using some other videos with other instructors I realized how annoying JM can be, particularly in Ripped in 30. She really bugs me in that one. She seems like she is trying too hard to be a hard a**. I don't find her nearly as annoying in NMTZ and BFBM.
  • rachelulu81
    rachelulu81 Posts: 10
    Ahhhh I love her encouraging me!
  • mwitherite
    mwitherite Posts: 26 Member
    haha I totally do the same thing! I have to mute her and put pandora on. I found that when I listen to her I actually don't work out as hard. But if I have pandora on I tend to work out to the music so I push through so much harder.
  • cindyhoney2
    cindyhoney2 Posts: 603 Member
    Hmmmm...someone just loaned me a copy of Ripped in 30. I have not tried it yet and I'm slightly afraid, lol. I need someone to push me but I've never been a big fan of hers so we'll have to see. :)