Cortx Posts: 103 Member
I am looking for animal lovers, who are vegetarians/vegans who know all about what goes on in slaughterhouses ECT ....

I am looking to add to my facebook page. I really need some more people like me who can relate to me about animal issues so I don't feel alone and get stupid comments from my family and so say friends.

I have not been getting on here much, which is why I said Facebook. I have been looking for friends and I thought to post this on here because I know this is a lovely site full of lovely people!!!!!!!

If you want to add me you can look me up with e-mail OR by Cortney.Elaine



  • MisterDudeDC
    MisterDudeDC Posts: 6 Member
    My name is Eddie and I live in DC. I'm a new Vegeterian, and looking to shed pounds and tone up. Over the last few years, I've gone from fit to fat, which has affected my blood pressure, activity, and heart. Time to change that! I'm ready to get this done, and find some people to inspire me, and I inspire them. Feel free to add me, and say hi!

    Eddie :-)