So frustrated! Going plant strong and not losing weight.

Hi all -

I'm a lifelong vegetarian, and roughly 6 weeks ago I adopted a mostly vegan diet with a strong emphasis on veggies. I also started running using a C25K program. I've been running every other day, although I've hit a wall with some shin splint pain, which I'm working through by running week 2 over and over and over with some variation in increased times.

Anyway, for weeks now, I've been eating about 1300 calories per day, within 100 calories of that. I haven't logged every day, and I only recently started logging meals here since I just joined this site, but when I do it comes it at about 1300 each and every time.

On a plant strong diet, with 1300 calories a day, I wasn't hungry. I mean, I was hungry just before a meal, but very satisfied with meals and only snacking when I actually was hungry. I very comfortably settled into 1300. I keep reading that it's not enough or people are so hungry near that range, but I didn't experience that at all. Also, in that range, and with the plant strong diet I've been mostly following, I've been very energetic and in general I feel fantastic.

I have lost 2 pounds. I lost 3, then gained one back! In six weeks!

I started reading about starvation mode, so I upped my calorie intake today and yesterday, and it has been extremely unpleasant. I feel like I'm force feeding myself, my stomach is uncomfortable, and I'm grumpy and lethargic.

What's up? I need to lose weight, both so that I can be a better runner, and because I am carrying 40 extra pounds that aren't doing me a bit of good. Do I need to cut back to fewer than 1200 per day, maybe? At that point, I might actually feel some hunger between meals. I don't know. I'm at a loss, and I have friends left and right who are eating more or less than I am, exercising more or less, and losing at least a pound a week. Not only am I not losing weight, but I don't see a noticeable change in my physique at all.

I am all ears.


  • jackiecroberts
    jackiecroberts Posts: 115 Member
    I thought I might try to help? I too went on a vegan diet for a while, but I found it way too hard. That being said, if you love it then it is right for you!! I am eating more, actually at maintence for a few weeks because I was eating so low and my weight loss had come to a standstill. Have you thought about what your BMR is and are you eating less than that number? Also it could be that it is difficult to get enough protein. I know there are vegan protein shakes out there, maybe try that as a way to get your calories up. Your body may just be freaking out because you are doing some serious running and not fueling yourself enough. Just some thoughts, hope it helps.
  • NonDebutante3dot0
    NonDebutante3dot0 Posts: 50 Member
    That sounds frustrating and baffling indeed! Because at first blush, what could be bad about eating lots of plant foods? If you used to be vegetarian and now you are vegan, it's possible that your body feels it is starving due to the difference in protein types you ingest.

    In any case, I wonder if the specific plants you are eating are not conducive to weight loss for you. You've probably heard about Peter D'Adamo's "The Blood Type Diet," which hypothesizes that different foods are beneficial, neutral or to be avoided based on your blood type. For instance, broccoli is beneficial for me as a type O, but it is recommended that I avoid cauliflower. If you're interested, Google "blood type diet" and check out his web site that has lots of free info.
  • I have had the same issue. I went weeks without losing weight when I followed the menu's in the Engine2 book. After 4 weeks I decided to reduce my intake of grains (even whole grains). I went to the plant strong emersion in Chicago about a month ago in hopes of finding out the answer. The only answer I left with was that it had to do with calorie density. Certain foods are calorie dense like bread, pasta, avocodo, nuts, seeds, .etc. I was told to consider these foods as condiments and not eat a lot of these. I hear many people who follow the Engine2 diet whole foods low fat diet and they drop lots of weight. That hasn't been my expeience unless I really cut out these foods. It frustrates me why many people can follow what is in the book and still lose weight. Another thing is I have to exercise. At my age I don't lose weight unless I do. Sounds like you have that covered.

    Not sure why you are not losing weight eating so little except that your body may have gone into starvation mode. Don't give up though. Sometimes my body will hold onto weight for weeks then all of a sudden I will drop it. Its like a plateau. I'd love to hear if you get any more insights into this issue. They might help me.