My Wellness Journey...

akaallice Posts: 8 Member
edited December 2024 in Introduce Yourself
I had no energy, was tired, depressed, in pain and yet, I never took to dieting.  

My doctors told me I was overweight, then obese and then grossly obese.  All of them told me I needed to go on a diet, they even sent me to a dietician and nutritionist, but NONE of them told me how to lose the weight, so I kept the weight on and added even more.  

About 3 years ago, I found out I have severe osteoarthritis in my left knee, again I was told to lose weight, again there was no direction from either my PCP or the Orthopedist.  Finally about 3 months ago, I was in such constant pain, I asked my PCP to send me to a different orthopedist.  

This new Ortho doc saw me, took x-rays and told me I was bone on bone with a bone spur as well on my knee and before he would even consider replacing it, I had to get my BMI down to at least 40 (which meant I had to weigh at least 211 lbs).  I asked him how was I to lose it and that every doc has told me that, but no one ever teaches me or tells me what to do.  He then referred me to a new program - A Wellness Program.  

This nurse weighed me, had me do a psycho-social test (at home & to bring it back to her).  Then she put me on a 1500 calorie diet.  I go see her about every two weeks.  This Wellness Nurse is looking at my ENTIRE BEING, from physical, to mental and emotional.  First she made sure I was doing good on the diet, then we discussed my depression, and then we attacked my emotional status.  I am now attending group therapy for repressed memories of being sexually assaulted.  I think she was the key to encouraging me, making me face my fears and tears.  Through her, I am no longer diabetic, am happier, personality has changed for the better AND I HAVE LOST 54LBS!!!!! Even though I am not down to 211 lbs, but because I am making great strides, the orthopedist has scheduled my surgery for the total knee replacement for November 19th.

On this "Wellness Journey" I've discovered no one can make me care about myself, only I can.  I need this surgery to be out of this constant pain and that became my objective.  I also realize I have to maintain the weight loss or the knee will go bad again...

So, what I'm saying is - IT IS UP TO YOU.  Ask you physician to send you to a Wellness Nurse if you can't seem to get on track with the weight loss. And do this with a physician's assistance.

I hope my story has helped some of you in some way...


  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss. And glad you found the help you needed. You sound like you are on the right track. I wish you the BEST!
  • dargriff60
    dargriff60 Posts: 8 Member
    Congratulations to you-I totally relate to your story. I have been there believe me. I was 206 lbs with two bad knees. I had one replaced, started on Weight Watchers, lost 43 lbs had the other replaced and now am on a three day a week exercise program which I love. I was on the verge of diabetes and now have no high sugar issues, unless I get the steroid shots for hip pain but otherwise I am very low. Due to a damaged pancreas from all the shots over 6 years. Mental issues are almost always at the heart of obesity. It is about control, a need to feel good or just plain comfort. I know you must love yourself enough to want to be healthy. There are many of us with the same childhood memories. Myself for one. I also adopted a 15 yr old daughter who had been abused from age 8 yrs. She was such a mess when we got her. She is now the proud mother of three, but still has to do therapy regularly. She has self esteem issues and can't seem to get a relationship that works for her. She divorced after 14 yrs and is now a single parent. Those events stay with us for life. It is how we deal with them that lets us define our future instead of letting the event define us.

    Thanks goodness you found the right direction. With WW and a Diabetes educator I am now stable, feeling good and happy for the first time in a long while. Congratulations to you for being persistent, working the program and taking control of your life. The knee surgery won't be easy but the payoff is worth it. Doing aggressive PT post surgery is the key to success. Work through the pain and do the PT. Take a pain pill 1 hr before exercise, so you can stand to do it in the first two months. Pain control is the only way to get the proper exercise after surgery. Good luck. Dargriff60, FL
  • akaallice
    akaallice Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you
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