5'4 ladies...with alot to lose



  • HodderAL
    HodderAL Posts: 358 Member
    I'm 5' 3.5", though most round it up to 5' 4", does that count?? :laugh:

    I started here the end of February at 217lbs. Currently I am 188lbs :happy: . My goal is 135lbs, but I think I will re-evaulate that once I get closer to it (I may want to get down to 130 or a little lighter depending on how I feel - I don't want to be super skinny, but I want to tone everything up).

    I'd love more interactive friends :) Feel free to add me too, if you like.
  • ScarlettIsSpiffing
    ScarlettIsSpiffing Posts: 121 Member
    Hiya, me too though I sometimes fib & say I'm just under 5'5' (well I am just under- by more than an inch lol)...feel free to add me, the more friends the merrier ;)
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    I am 5'4" too currently trying to get my head around the fact my weight has been stuck at 188-192 For six months!

    I started at 232 January 2011.

    Hoping at some point to get around 145 and work back from there if it suits, I have always been large (very large chest)
    Not 100% convinced I would not look really I'll at 139which is I think what I need to have normal might

    Work and family means I don't always post every day, but I log on and read if only a minute or two at a time
  • joshis_bunny
    Hi, i'm 5"4 and definantely have plenty to lose. My biggest downfall is my love for food and high standards. Everytime I start a plan to get things back on track I set the bar that high that when I don't succeed I crash and burn big time. Being short definantely has it's downfalls as what weight I do carry doesn't sit well.
  • Iriska17
    Iriska17 Posts: 8
    Hi I am 5'4 at 190 as well, and would like to get to 145. Can we be friends? :)