who exercises in the AM?

I'm thinking about switching up my exercise routine. Typically, I pack my gym clothes the night before, and stop by on the way home from work. If I'm lucky, I can leave work by 5:15, change, and begin my workout at 5:30ish, and get home by 7PM. But by the time I eat dinner, clean up, and get to relax, it's like 9PM, and I have to go to bed in like an hour.
My new plan is to wake up an hour earlier, and hit the gym before work. But my dilemma is, what do I eat for breakfast - and do I eat before of after I exercise? I've thought of taking like instant oatmeal and granola bars to work and eating when I get there, but that would be like 3 hours after I wake up. I ALWAYS eat breakfast - but this will be an adjustment. I'd love to have a few more hours freed up at night...and would welcome and experiences or tips you early morning exercisers can offer - thanks! :flowerforyou:


  • GlamNGlitter
    i work in the am and then again in the pm (i'm a housewife so i dont have to be anywhere.. kinda an advantage)

    but i do find when i work out in the am i have a lot of energy during the day compared to the days where i skip the am workout and work out in pm.
  • RosieB405
    RosieB405 Posts: 150 Member
    I am new to this all but I have been sleeping in my workout clothes. Then I get up at 5:45 brush my teeth, drink a full glass of water, and wash my face and walk to the gym (I am only about 5 min away) then I do about an hour workout and hurry home. I either have cereal or I scramble some eggs. Then I get dressed and I am out the house within 45 min. It is a rush but I just can't pull myself to do it after work so it is the only way for me.
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member

    I walk a mile and half first thing every morning. When I started, I had to eat something first, and I usually had a boiled egg. Then I changed it to some cheese. And before I knew it, I didn't need anthing. It was as though my body just had to get used to doing something before eating. And I think it has really helped my weightloss.

    However, my workout is only thirty minutes, so I am still eating within about 90 minutes of rising. I don't think I could go three hours! I have always been someone who needs breakfast. If I were you, though, I would drink a big glass of water, and try to eat something like a bowl of high fiber cereal and some form of protein, like an egg, and take something with me like granola or cereal bars, or maybe some yogurt.

    Good luck!:drinker:
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I work out in the morning. We get up at 5 and drink hot water with lemon. Go to the gym and work out, come home, shower and then I eat breakfast at about 7 before I head out to work
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    I am new to this all but I have been sleeping in my workout clothes. Then I get up at 5:45 brush my teeth, drink a full glass of water, and wash my face and walk to the gym (I am only about 5 min away) then I do about an hour workout and hurry home. I either have cereal or I scramble some eggs. Then I get dressed and I am out the house within 45 min. It is a rush but I just can't pull myself to do it after work so it is the only way for me.

    i know people who do this, i cant do it, i NEED to have my bra...and a workout bra on top in order to feel comfortable
  • samantha115
    samantha115 Posts: 371
    I wake up at 530 and do my pilates or biggest loser bootcamp dvd. I dont have a gym membership anywhere so this gets me going in the morning.
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    I do an early morning workout most days and I find I eat both before and after my workout. I just split my breakfast in half. For example I'll have yogurt and a toast before leaving then eggs and the other toast when I come back. I do that cause I am always starving no matter the size of the meal when I get back but my stomach is always growling when I wake as well.
  • Flyright
    Flyright Posts: 36
    bonkers, that's a cute dog!
  • amybeth45
    amybeth45 Posts: 11
    i have been excercising in the early morning for about a year. i found there were too many days where i just was not making it to the gym after work. I'm at the gym by six (it's a five minute walk) home around seven when i have coffee and water. i then take my breakfast of fruit and plain yogurt, along with some almonds or low fat/sugar granola, to work. it works fine for me. if i'm starving in the morning i may grab a small handful of cheerios or some grapes.it may take a little bit to get used to, but it really works well for me. good luck
  • ahart281
    ahart281 Posts: 1
    I exercise in the morning (~4:30 AM) and my wife (who is a dietician) has me eat a whole wheat bagel with peanut butter and a banana before I go to the gym. When I return from the gym, I have a glass of skim milk (~6:00 AM). I have a mid-morning snack at ~8:00 AM (usually yogurt or a fruit or vegetable) and am satisfied until lunch.
  • 2catowner
    2catowner Posts: 94
    ahart281- how lucky to have a dietician as a spouse!!! I am so envious:smile:
    I also excercise in the AM, and find that my day always goes better and I have more energy. I usually make an eggbeaters omelet when I get home (I don't eat before going, I'm usually not hungry before going). I've cooked the omelet so many times that I can do it in about 5-10 minutes and it's super easy, I just add a little lowfat cheese and it really holds me most of the morning so I am not hungry until almost lunch. The workout in the morning just really helps me get going -- I've been doing this for years now and I only go in the PM if I am too lazy to get up!:blushing:
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    When I get up in the morning I have a slimfast shake with skim milk ( I am not doing the slimfast program, I just find it to be a great way to get in some protein in the morning and it tastes yummy) then I do my workout and follow it with my breakfast.
  • FiftyFootClown
    FiftyFootClown Posts: 6 Member
    I love getting up early and running before work, I have alot more energy during the work day. Its much easier for me to get up early then to try and motivate myself to exercise in the evening after I've already been on my feet the entire day. I exercise first and then eat cereal with skim milk, then eat an early lunch like 3 hours later.
  • beaner
    beaner Posts: 2
    I work out in the morning or I find an excuse not too later! It just works best for me, BUT I don't have to be to work in the morning. I'm pretty much a stay at home mom who happens to be a consultant for a homebased business and can make my own hours, so that helps.

    I ABSOLUTELY have to eat before I work out---I have hypoglycemia and cannot make it, but I'm up about 2 hours before I'm at the gym so that helps! I ALWAYS have a protein shake that I make myself!! It's 2/3 cup of plain nonfat yogurt, 2/3 cup unsweetened frozen blue berries, 1 small banana, and 2 heaving scoops of Gen Soy All Natural Protein Powder--just blend and drink! I often drink it as I'm driving kids to school! It gets me through my workout and to lunch!
    CEVANGER Posts: 6
    I am NOT a morning person, but my hubby and I car pool every morning so I hop out of bed and put on my gym clothes and nap in the car until I drop him off. Then I hit the gym for an hour and shower and get ready for work there. I bring a fiber one bar and yogurt for breakfast. I don't feel like eating until after the gym. I do find that I feel more energized throughout the day AND I get to sleep later than I would if I got up and had to shower at home before leaving. If I try to exercise after work it seems to not happen on a regular basis.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    I ABSOLUTELY have to eat before I work out---I have hypoglycemia and cannot make it, but I'm up about 2 hours before I'm at the gym so that helps!

    Slightly off topic, but can you explain what you mean by "cannot make it"? What do you feel? I have always wondered a little bit if I am hypoglycemic and have a doctor's appointment scheduled as it seems to have gotten worse lately. Just curious (if you feel comfortable sharing). Thanks:flowerforyou:
  • silmor
    silmor Posts: 12
    I finally just started to get up and go to the gym at 5am, crazy! but i feel so much better when I do. I drink a protein shake, one with whey protein, and drink that before i work out. After workout, i eat oatmeal the best oatmeal is from starbucks, brown sugar, raisins, and almonds...fills me up, oh, i have a skinny latte with soy.....it helps to eat protein before a work out....
  • EllieAmancy
    EllieAmancy Posts: 36 Member
    I do the 30-day shred in the morning, so I just wake up and change into my workout clothes and do it right away. Then I shower and have breakfast like I'd do anyways if I wasn't working out. I'm not hungry when I work out but I do drink at least 3 glasses of water!

    I love exercising in the morning because I feel great the whole day and I have a lot more energy. Also I'm not completely awake when I'm getting into my workout clothes so it's harder to find excuses not to! :laugh:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I have always prefered to exercise in the morning. I mostly workout at home or run/walk outdoors. If I am going to workout for more than an hr I eat a banana or apple withnatural peanut butter or half an english muffin with nat pb. Or if it is not going to be until much later in the morning (usually weekends) I eat my usual breakfast, oatmeal with nuts and blueberries or oatmeal with pb and milk or oatmeal with a scoop of whey protein and nuts and wait one hr and then workout. If my workout is not going to be longer than an hr I workout on an empty stomach and when I'm done I eat my breakfast right away. Then I shower and get ready for work. I am no expert. That is what works for me. :flowerforyou:
  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    bonkers, that's a cute dog!

    Thanks! Thats Blue, my walking buddy :flowerforyou: