Needing Support to Commit 100%


I've been on MFP for 57 days and I've only lost 5 lbs. I thought that watching what I was eating and exercising just wasn't working until I realized that I wasn't committing 100% to the lifestyle change. I want to get back on track and really fully commit this time.

I'm 5'10 and weight 151.5 lbs, as of this morning. I would love to get back down to 140-143 lbs. I'm a student at the Culinary Institute of America and that is amazing but also one of my largest challenges, trying to eat healthy even when I'm surrounded by butter, sugar and high calorie food.

Something else I've been struggling with is my alcohol consumption. Being a college student and living with people who enjoy drinking has made it hard for me to say no. I know that alcohol has a bunch of calories in it and mixing drinks adds tons of sugar and calories to my diet. I need some friends who can help me so no to the drinking.

Finally, I want to learn to love myself again. It's been a hell of a year and I've stopped loving myself. I need to get out of this depression and learn to be happy, love life and stop hating myself.

I would love to have some more support, especially in the MFP community because you all are so wonderful, supportive and motivating. Please feel free to add me!



  • JulieH3art
    JulieH3art Posts: 293 Member

    I'm also a college student. I'm big into baking. I try to give away as much of it as I can but it is just so damn good! I'll add you, but be warned - I don't log on the site.

    I used to. It made me obsessed.
  • awetherell
    awetherell Posts: 62 Member

    We sound like we have very similar goals. I am 5'10", last time I weighed myself on Thursday I was 162 lbs, I'm waiting to find out whether my slightly less good weekend (babysitting 3 and 8 year old cousins who eat bread, babybels, chocolate etc). My official goal is to get to 144lbs, but I secretly would like to try to go a little lower just to see, then I can fluctuate around 140-144. The lowest I have been in the last couple of years was 152lbs.

    I live with my boyfriend who is eating to gain weight, which means that he on average has about 4 times the amount that I eat every meal, and far less healthily. It makes it hard to stay focused when there is so much temptation. I admire you for not giving up! I have finally decided to just try to completely ignore what everyone else is eating around me and concentrate on how I feel after eating things. All my friends are skinny and I am fed up of being the self-conscious heavier one!

    With regards to drinking, I often just have either sparkling mineral water with ice and a lime (quite often that looks like an alcoholic drink and no one will question it and make it awkward) or lime and soda if I want more flavour. That way, I can still enjoy being with my friends but not worry about how much further away it is making my goals. In addition to the calories, it is so much cheaper and I find I spend about 1/5 of what most others do on a night out!

    I would love to work together and help each other if you are keen? I will send a friend request now.

    Alice x
  • Mommy_Time
    Mommy_Time Posts: 256 Member
    You can all add me if u like. I am 29 and have 5 small children. I started Insanity 7 days ago.
  • gseburn
    gseburn Posts: 456 Member
    Welcome here. All the best in meeting your goals. 1 good choice at a time will get you there.
  • KingofdaBean
    KingofdaBean Posts: 20 Member
    Feel Free to add me. Alcohol has definitely been my downfall also. I try and limit it to once per week and I try and go easy on the mixers. And I also make sure I hit the gym the next morning after. The tough part about drinking also is that it makes me want to make bad food choices etc. Good Luck!!!!