I'd Rather DIE Than Give Up...



  • emzmc
    emzmc Posts: 85 Member
    Chocolate, pork, chicken, pombears (crisps/chips), rhubarb yoghurt, diet coke and marmite. Probably loads more that I can't think of.
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    Bacon. Not talking about the low-sodium and thin-as-paper variety either. I'd rather die than give up thick-cut, hickory-smoked bacon.
  • starcatcher1975
    starcatcher1975 Posts: 292 Member
    I LOVE CHEESE! But I'm finding that as I grow older, I'm becoming more lactose intolerant.

    Suggestions anyone? I'd almost rather die than give up cheese. (and BACON)

    What can you not live without?
    My husband is pretty lactose intolerant, but he is able to eat mozzarella & Parmesan without issue. He can also eat yogurt, so plain Greek yogurt has taken the place of any and all sour cream at our house. For ice cream he likes the So Delicious coconut milk varieties - he says they are way better than the soy stuff out there.

    It's a bummer to have to stop eating something you love because your body doesn't tolerate it any longer! I feel bad for those of you who have to deal with that. I am glad to see more and more good substitutes, like the coconut milk treats - I hated feeling guilty for having a scoop of ice cream in front of the hubs!

    I am too and I really like the So Delicious coconut milk ice creams. I also don't have problems with the greek yogurt and I eat it almost every day. We have been drinking lactose free milk for years now and to me and my kids it taste like regular milk. I like the coconut milk and almond milk too but I haven't been able to turn my kids on to it yet. Guess I'll have to stop buying regular cow's milk lol
  • ImNotThatBob
    ImNotThatBob Posts: 371 Member

    BTW, I love your pic OP--made me smile :bigsmile:

    @Thistimeismytime thanks!
  • ImNotThatBob
    ImNotThatBob Posts: 371 Member
    Hatch Chile!


    Best Damn Chile on the Planet!
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    I would rather die than give up diet dr. pepper.
    Or honey crisp apples.
    Or tacos.

    I have to give up diet dr pepper. Its sweetened with aspartame and I discovered after discovering diet dr pepper that it was causing problems and pain! EEK! So now I'm working to completely illiminate aspartame (including my diet dr pepper *sniff*).
  • iva001
    iva001 Posts: 162
    Mayonaisse...but I eat alot less since I've been eating less of the things you put it on (burgers,hotdogs), same for cheese. I only eat it in my tuna sandwiches now.

    Hellmans Low Fat is great. My boyfriend didn't even notice the switch...1 Tbsp - 15 calories, 1g fat, ply fat .5, 0 chol., 130 sodium, 2g carb,0 sugar and protien. If my picky boyfriend didn't notice, you might really like it :)

    My mom made potato salad with Non-Fat Mayo and it was soooooooo gross. You could just look at it and tell it wasn't the real thing, very clumpy. I stayed away from less than full-fat mayo since, but will buy a mini jar of low fat mayo and try it.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    My bedtime hot chocolate
  • aimeerocksx3
    I would rather die than give up diet dr. pepper.
    Or honey crisp apples.
    Or tacos.

    I have to give up diet dr pepper. Its sweetened with aspartame and I discovered after discovering diet dr pepper that it was causing problems and pain! EEK! So now I'm working to completely illiminate aspartame (including my diet dr pepper *sniff*).

    OH NO!!! I've been drinking diet pop pretty religiously for 11 years now, so the aspartame hasn't killed me yet! But really, I'm sorry to hear that :(
  • pantsdailyon
    pantsdailyon Posts: 173 Member
    I would rather die than give up diet dr. pepper.
    Or honey crisp apples.
    Or tacos.

    I have to give up diet dr pepper. Its sweetened with aspartame and I discovered after discovering diet dr pepper that it was causing problems and pain! EEK! So now I'm working to completely illiminate aspartame (including my diet dr pepper *sniff*).

    I gave up aspartame because I was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy, and doing so greatly lessened the symptoms. There is a company called Sodastream that makes sodas sweetened with sucralose, and they have a Diet Dr. Pepper knock-off (I mostly stick with the Diet Mountain Dew knock-off myself).
  • ImNotThatBob
    ImNotThatBob Posts: 371 Member
    I gave up aspartame because I was diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy, and doing so greatly lessened the symptoms. There is a company called Sodastream that makes sodas sweetened with sucralose, and they have a Diet Dr. Pepper knock-off (I mostly stick with the Diet Mountain Dew knock-off myself).

    I've heard good things about their company. Thinking about giving it a try.
  • KarensCanDoIt
    KarensCanDoIt Posts: 190 Member
    Cheese was the first thing that came to mind. For me I think that would definitely be harder to give up than chocolate or coffee.
  • JeepBaja
    JeepBaja Posts: 1,824 Member
    When I heard about Gout and all the things you couldn't eat I said I would rather be dead than have to live with Gout! But that was then and there is pretty much nothing that I would rather have over death...

    I've found I can give up anything I want... or that I can just limit whatever I want just as easily.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    There is no food or drink I'd rather DIE than give up, but I will not give up my nightly wine unless it begins to affect my health. If it means I can never lose these last 7 lbs but remain healthy, then I'll gladly be 7 lbs overweight for the rest of my life.

    But if it ever becomes a question of wine vs. health, the wine will go.
  • Arthemise1
    Arthemise1 Posts: 365 Member
    When I had LapBand surgery and was on a liquid diet, the thing I fantasized the most about was bread and butter. Now, though, I've cut bread mostly out of my diet and don't miss it much. Cheese would be hard to cut out because it's in a lot of what I cook. I think the thing that comes the closest is chocolate, but really I could do without it too. Food just doesn't have as big a role in my life as it used to, and that's amazing!
  • Spice_4_Life
    Spice_4_Life Posts: 225
    Mayonaisse...but I eat alot less since I've been eating less of the things you put it on (burgers,hotdogs), same for cheese. I only eat it in my tuna sandwiches now.

    Hellmans Low Fat is great. My boyfriend didn't even notice the switch...1 Tbsp - 15 calories, 1g fat, ply fat .5, 0 chol., 130 sodium, 2g carb,0 sugar and protien. If my picky boyfriend didn't notice, you might really like it :)

    My mom made potato salad with Non-Fat Mayo and it was soooooooo gross. You could just look at it and tell it wasn't the real thing, very clumpy. I stayed away from less than full-fat mayo since, but will buy a mini jar of low fat mayo and try it.

    Trust me. If he didn't notice, you won't. It's not like the old low fat nasty mayo. :) It's got a green cap by hellmans :)))
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Mayonaisse...but I eat alot less since I've been eating less of the things you put it on (burgers,hotdogs), same for cheese. I only eat it in my tuna sandwiches now.

    Hellmans Low Fat is great. My boyfriend didn't even notice the switch...1 Tbsp - 15 calories, 1g fat, ply fat .5, 0 chol., 130 sodium, 2g carb,0 sugar and protien. If my picky boyfriend didn't notice, you might really like it :)

    My mom made potato salad with Non-Fat Mayo and it was soooooooo gross. You could just look at it and tell it wasn't the real thing, very clumpy. I stayed away from less than full-fat mayo since, but will buy a mini jar of low fat mayo and try it.

    Trust me. If he didn't notice, you won't. It's not like the old low fat nasty mayo. :) It's got a green cap by hellmans :)))

    Low fat and non-fat are not the same thing. Regular mayo is not that bad from a health perspective, but it is fairly high calorie. I like the canola oil mayo since canola has a little less saturated fat than the soybean oil used in regular mayo and it tastes just the same. I don't care or the olive oil mayo because olive oil changes the taste.