kickin it in gear...

I have lost 30lbs and for the last few months I have mantained that but Im not done and I can't seem to stay on track like I was before. I decided to buy a photo package of me for my hubby and I have 6 months to use. I plan on working like crazy to get my body in goal would be to lose 4olbs in the 6 months. I work from home and I have a little girl here with me as well. I can walk and run in my neighbor hood but I wanna ton my arms and butt and thighs. I dont really know what workout I can do at home to help those areas. thank you.


  • KickassAugust
    KickassAugust Posts: 1,430 Member
    Hi hello, I think you had a really great idea there! Incentive towards getting into shape... So I'm sure people would tell you to use weights to tone your arms and squats to tone you butt and thighs!

    I workout for the most part on the elliptical, at my fitness room, using my 5lb weights at the same time. My arms are looking awesome.

    Good Luck on your journey back, btw I get that part also... I've maintained for months now too!