Rough rough weekend. Need some love.

I feel like I should apologize to my food diary lol. I had such a rough weekend. I didn't overeat or make terrible decisions but yesterday I didn't track at all and I didn't exercise.

My brother lives with my husband and I and its becoming close quarters to say the VERY least. My husband is agitated, Im agitated, and we are between a rock and a hard place with this situation and it has been putting such a damper on my quest to become healthy. The added stress/anxiety of trying to be the peace keeper in the house has led to an emotional breakdown every two days or so. My husband is so supportive and loving and deserves a life alone with me instead of taking care of my dependent older brother....

So this weekend, a long time friend of my husbands stayed with us and they had a great time. I neglected myself and got off track and just had a lot on my mind. I feel terrible even though the worst thing I did was have a half of a small bag of movie theater popcorn when we went to see The Avengers (which was amazing btw).

Has anyone else had life get in the way? I know Im not alone. Its just good to hear someone say its going to be O.K.

I feel like everything I said is just an excuse. Why am I using drama and problems as an excuse? Has anyone ever gotten so down that they got off track?


  • sweetlola13
    sweetlola13 Posts: 18
    I'm going through finals right now, and I can tell the stress is getting to me. I haven't made it to the gym to lift since spring break, although I have been going on bike rides with my dear one. Food log is out the window. Mainly because I'm too embarrassed with myself to fill it out. The crazy part is, working out and eating right helps me deal with my stress, anxiety, and depression. So, I'm going to log off NOW and head to the gym before I hit the books. Sometimes just writing it out helps put things in perspective. :)
  • Don't worry, it happens to all of us! :) I have my bad days from time to time too, and I feel awful after (like now, actually, I couldn't resist pasta for lunch and I'm so upset with myself, lol).

    From what you've said I can see that you're really stressed by the situation at home. I know how important peaceful family life is, but you have to think about yourself too. If you become too stressed, who's gonna make sure that everything is going smoothly at home? ;)
    Like sweetlola13, for me exercising is a great way to deal with stress. I'm sure that if you make some time for yourself, it's gonna be better.

    Good luck! :)
  • nwoolley
    nwoolley Posts: 39 Member
    You cannot be perfect everyday. Do not be so hard on yourself. Each morning or each second of the day is a new opportunity to start over. You have your whole life ahead of you, keep doing what your doing and allow yourself to go over your calorie goal! Remember slow and steady wins the race!
  • Dwamma
    Dwamma Posts: 289 Member
    Trust me it will get better! Life gets in the way and you learn to just move it out of the way and stay on track. Maybe you don't commnet as much during that time, but that all good! You are not perfect! But you are forgiven! Today is another day so it is time to move on and clear your thoughts and start over! Congrats on a new day! Blessings!!! <><
  • Don't do yourself down over it! Everyone gets off track sometimes :) I personally comfort eat like a boss when I get really upset or stressed out, for instance recently my best friend was hospitalised and was very seriously ill. This led to me eat nothing but utter junk for about 10 days, and I barely moved from my desk while I was finishing up my work for this year at university. It happens, and you'll get back on track in your own time. The fact that you're recognising that, that type of eating behaviour is no longer 'normal' for you, is progress in itself, and you should be proud! Keep smiling, things will get better! :)
  • justplainoleanne
    justplainoleanne Posts: 38 Member
    It sounds to me like you gave yourself a much needed break from control. Don't worry about it. We all need a break from time to time. Get back on track tomorrow and quit beating yourself. My personal doctor insisted that I take a break this weekend. He says a short break makes you realize how much you need to get back on track.
  • jsjaclark
    jsjaclark Posts: 303
    Everyone has a rough weekend and gets off track. Just don't beat yourself up over it and just concentrate on today.

    I usually do a terrible job of logging on my weekends. Gonna get back on track this week.
  • sandown12
    sandown12 Posts: 648 Member
    Tough Love

    Your brother ...... 15 years ago my brother stated with us never again he was fed he used everything in the house I gave him money etc not a Thankyou not any money ......

    My mum had a word he went.

    Last year he wanted to 'rent' a room we just brought a gust house, he got impatient as there was delays he then flipped said forget it , we did he changed his mind so I said No you can't move in, since this he smashed his landlords window in the studio flat he rented went to court had to get out.....
    Asked me if he could move in I said No and we have rooms
    He stopped talking up me for a while but he never contacts us unless he's in need

    You see your brother should move out
    I know it's hard but it's causing upset

    I recently looked after my ill elderly inlaws mum in law has cancer I've emotional problems with my 16 year old ex husband won't see our 2 children no child support a new business 3 children wedding to organise I'm getting married December


    I haven't turned to food for comfort and I'm a yoyoed this time I'm eating more exercise more and doing this for ME

    Next time you 'need ' food for comfort say WHY out loud write down how you feel exercise and think wow thus is for me

    I have comfort ate my whole life and it made me depressed

    One blip won't hurt..... Blips can become off plan

  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    First, lets start with the love. ((((((((Jess)))))))) Now, the fact that you got off track is not the end of the world. You can read anywhere that it takes like 3500 calories to gain back a pound, so I'm pretty sure that having some movie popcorn is not going to do that to you.

    I always try to make sure that I do some extra exercise or whatever to compensate for the little splurge. Cut back your dinner calories, or the breakfast calories for the next day.

    Lastly, allow yourself an indulgence once in a while. Seems to me you deserve it!!
  • Semperfione
    Semperfione Posts: 109
    Hey Jessi, don't beat yourself too bad here, lol...I read your post here and I am thinking, she is talking about me this wife is out of town this weekend and I feel totally out of it. Oh I logged in as usual, I made my meals but feel so weird. Feel as though I have not eaten correctly at all.

    You have a bunch of well wishes on your post, so I will wish you the best in your situation too. Hang in there, take some time with hubby, might even think of taking a short ride for a weekend get a way...have fun.

  • jessi3385
    jessi3385 Posts: 9
    Thanks everyone! This board and website are great. I realize I need to make sure I focus on myself and not be so upset over forgetting a day. I do feel better when I exercise...finding the motivation to do so is a pain in the butt, but when I do, its the best thing I've ever felt. I should feel so proud of myself for being as active as I have become which is literally the most active I have ever been in my life. I hate the scale, it seems not to move by much, it fluctuates up and down and I never really know how much I weigh, if Im doing well or not! I stick within my calorie budget if not lower, fats, carbs...everything! I need to not focus so much on nitpicking!

    Thank you so much for all the kind words and support. It helps so much. Even though I may know Im not alone, actually reading it from others confirms it and definitely helps to know Im not in this boat alone.
  • thriftycupl
    thriftycupl Posts: 310 Member
    Remember this is a journey and not a destination. If you got off track, you have the opportunity to get back on. Don't beat yourself up, just resolve to get back at it. You'll do great!
  • Takes2long
    Takes2long Posts: 367 Member
    I think we all had have the rough week/weekend and stress is always going to be there. So is food. We live with another family, in a single family house. Believe me, I understand close quarters and the stress that comes with it. It's not always bad, but some days, it drives me nuts. Exercise is my way to deal with the stress. Logging food, well, that just makes me aware of everything. Don't dwell on what you did or didn't do. It's life. You can't change it, so just move forward. I went over Friday and today. But, even though I went over, it was still better then before found MFP :bigsmile: