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I have lost 8 lbs since May 1,2012. I am concerned that that is to fast. April 29,2012 I purchased a stationary bike at a yard sale . I have been on it every other day for 10 min . The reason it is only 10 min at a time is because i was getting next to no exercise before the bike. The first day I did the recommended 20 min's and that was to much. I decided to do 10 mins and work my way up. I also started taking ketones 3 days ago. 2 days ago my Dr decided to put me on water pills, I have had a swollen foot since last July.
My idea was to try the ketone to see if it worked for me, wasn't expecting the water pills.
I have changed nothing in my diet.


  • Martin0524
    Martin0524 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi there...

    Don't be concerned if the weight is coming off too fast. That is normal for overweight individuals. The concern should be when the weight slows down you must remember to keep going and not to give up. After my surgery i lost 40 pounds in one month. Once I got to my last 20 pounds it as been like running a race like a snail. I now have 10 pounds to go and have been fighting to get that off for a month now. My advice for you is to keep going at YOUR pace, but don't completely stop. The diet behavior will change over time. Good Luck with reaching your goals.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Yes, 8 pounds in less than 2 weeks is probably too fast.
    But, depending on where you started, sometimes just being a bit careful about what you eat (and logging tends to do that) and a small amount of exercise can make a big difference initially. We all have odd weight swings from time to time. Also, were you weighing yourself at approximately the same time and after eating and drinking about the same amount? One cup of water weighs about half a pound, but has no calories. So, right after you drink a tall (16 oz.) glass of water, you'll weigh about a pound more, but it's not permanent weight gain.
    I'm not familiar with ketone or water pills, so can't speak to those.
    There's lots of good advice and suggestions here on this site, as well as people to encourage and motivate you. (Be a bit careful though as everyone is different, and some of the advice here is probably not so good.)
    I started with gentle exercise of about 10 minutes every day, and over time I've added a minute a day over time and increased the intensity slowly over time. Worked well for me, good luck to you!
  • itsmeveve
    itsmeveve Posts: 8
    Thank you for the reply's ! I had a swollen foot for several months, my Dr put me on the water pills to see if that would help the foot go down. It has, so I am guessing that's where most of the weight came off. I am also assuming that its not a real measurement of loss since when I go off the water pills the weight will come back. My foot looks like the other one now tho. I am keeping on tho, doing what I can today seemed hard, I could only do my bike for 5 mins when I have been doing 10 min. I did catch up tho by doing another ten mins later.