Is it normal that I'm almost never sore?



  • Escarda
    Escarda Posts: 131 Member
    I think you probably should be..?
    I have just finished doing the cardio workout from the 10 minute trainer and i didnt get sore until right at the end when you have to jump backwards into a squat. Really hurts the back of my thighs, but thats exactly what i want! =)
    Although i do have to pause the video every 2 minutes because im gasping for more air and really need a drink..
    And i honestly believe if i pushed myself harder at those points i would just pass out.
    And i dont hold my breath or breathe fast, i count to 4 while breathing in through my noise, then count to 4 as i breathe out through my mouth..
    So who knows?
  • CherryOnionKiss
    CherryOnionKiss Posts: 376 Member
    Thanks for all your replies. I'm going to try to push myself a bit harder :blushing:
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    In my understanding, people are sore when they are working muscles you haven't really worked before. Going for a run is pretty much the same muscles as walking, so I would imagine most people aren't sore after a run like they would be when doing something totally out of their routine, like bench presses or pull ups, etc. I always used to get really sore after doing ice skating or snowboarding... It doesn't mean you aren't working out enough, especially if you are tired from it, it just means your body is used to that TYPE of workout.

    You are still burning calories when you are doing cardio, but you can (and probably should) always incorporate some strength training into your workouts. This won't burn as many calories but it will make you stronger and give you that sore feeling the next day.