Polar F6 Question

visiologist Posts: 45
edited September 19 in Fitness and Exercise
Hopefully there are some out there familiar with this and other Polar HRMs that can answer this one.

I am looking for a new, better monitor, and I really like the F6. But do you know if it can display your maximum HR in real time while you're exercising? It looks to me that it can only show you that AFTER your exercise session is over but I'm not sure.

If not, can anyone suggest another Polar that can do this (and hopefully has most of the other F6 features)?




  • mrsparker
    mrsparker Posts: 12
    The Polar F6 that i have shows the range that my heart rate is suppose to be in like from 80%-88%. It also have an alarm that goes off when you have reached over your max limit or if you are under your limit. Then at the end of your work out it shows you the low and high. I keep mine on the number of calories im burning so i know how hard i need to push myself to reach my goal for the day.
  • twilight1542
    twilight1542 Posts: 403
    While exercising the main dislay is Time & current HR, but you can also change the view to see "heart rate zone" (your recommended min a max) & current HR or Time & Calories burned. Once the save the session it shows total time, total calories, & minimum / maximum heart rate. Does that answer your ?...I've only had my F6 for 2 weeks so I'm sure there's stuff it can do that I haven't figured out yet
  • Okay thanks ladies - that's what I thought.

    i still might get one, but I've really grown used to using the max HR display on my current monitor to make sure I am really getting the job done in each workout. I use a couple DVD programs and know what my max heartrate should be at the peak intensity level in each one if I'm really doing my best.

  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Okay thanks ladies - that's what I thought.

    i still might get one, but I've really grown used to using the max HR display on my current monitor to make sure I am really getting the job done in each workout. I use a couple DVD programs and know what my max heartrate should be at the peak intensity level in each one if I'm really doing my best.


    Hey Mike,
    If that's what you want to measure, then the F6 has HR alarms. You set your max limit alarm at 175 for example, and it will alarm you when your heartbeat gets over 175.
    Otherwise like others said, it displays your max and average heart beats when your exercise is over.

    I would think that hearing an audible alert that you went into your max zone area, would be ideal, instead of having to look at your watch constantly. "Did I get there yet?"

    Hope this helps.
  • Thanks thumper.

    My main reason for wanting that feature is this: I am after maximum fitness results, not weight loss, and I do set workout routines (P90X, P90X+ and Insanity). There are points of "peak exertion" in many of the workouts that I know well. I use those peaks as a barometer to tell me how hard I'm pushing. For instance there's a point in one of the workouts where I often hit 172 bpm. I always glance at my HR when I've passed that point to see where I am. If I am much below that, I know I can push harder.

    Not having that feature means I would have to be looking at my HR right at that moment of peak exertion to see my max, and that's just not possible every time.

  • kaylou
    kaylou Posts: 375 Member
    Just wanted to say that I love mine!!
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