how many calories should you burn in one workout?



  • Anonymou5
    Anonymou5 Posts: 92
    I burn about 1200 calories per day.

    I am not sure there is a limit as to how much you burn in one workout, you're most likely going to be limited by time and/or fitness level.
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    I will not be skinny fat. I feel the muscles in my legs by all the walking and running I have been doing!! and I bet that none of you eat as healthy as I do every single day. I only have 5 kilos left. I didn't say that I wasn't going to work on my muscles either. Where is all this science that you guys are spouting off??. Actually when I first started this journey I lost a ton of inches and I wasn't weight training at all back then and I have been weight training on this journey. I just want to wake up every day knowing I am normal weight, maybe overrated to you but would mean a great deal to me!!!. Once I get there, my other goals will take over. My question wasn't which exercise I should choose!! It was can you work out too much!! This is seriously frustrating me.

    I wasnt saying you were skinnyfat, the link was just to show that weight training is important in order to reduce bodyfat, cardio only will not get you where you want to be.

    to answer your original question, you can work out too much.
    You should aim for 1-2 rest days per week, and not weight train the same body part 2 days in a row.
    Cardio wise, you don't really need to do more than 60 mins a day, and not every day.
    If you do a lot of exercise, make sure you take in enough calories to fuel your wokrouts.

    As for saying noone eats as healthy as you do every day, regularly coming in 500-1000 calories under goal is NOT healthy at all, and if thats what you eating then you ARE overtraining. The goal MFP gives you is net and therefore exercise cals are intended to be eaten back to meet your goal.

    I also exercise around 3500 per week, but eat 2000 / net on average around 1500 and lose 1.5 EVERY week. If I exercise more than that, I will eat more.
  • TaylorsGranddad
    TaylorsGranddad Posts: 453 Member
    I burn between 400 & 1000 most days, it works for me
  • Anonymou5
    Anonymou5 Posts: 92
    em you didnt answer the original question as it was how many calories should you burn in one workout.

    The answer is as many as you want. Why not burn 3000 in one workout?!

    But if you do, refuelling is incredibly important.

    Also I believe a purely cardiovascular workout plan is perfectly fine for creating a lean build.
  • coletteann123
    Good For you!!!! sounds like you have changed a lot with your diet! i Agree with the gym thing.. im using mine to get me to my goal, the beauty is at the moment i know iv paid for the month so Make myself go and get my monies worth. And going in my lunch hour is working good because at the end of the day im pretty tired. Although i dont see the gym being a long term thing. financially i just cant do it. i agree you need to find excercise that fits with lifestlye. With your posative attitude i dont think you will go back to wherever it was you started from.. it really does change your life for the better.. in my experience!!
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    I have been on here 5 months now. The numbers are not cut and dry either in my opinion. I just starting to eat at my BMR (I was eating more before) and burn 500 calories because things were at a stand still and I am shaking things up BUT that was not the question. I also believe that you can overtrain, and was wondering if there was an upper limit as to what you should be burning daily. When I was exercising like a crazy person, burning over 1000 calories per workout and eating a lot, that wasn't working. I recently started eating around my BMR because the weight was not moving when I was consuming more and my weight started moving again. It is hard to figure out the balance and what works for some doesn't necessarily work for others. I am sure age and hormones comes into play here too but again, I am not complaining. I just wanted an answer to my question which it doesn't look like I am going to get. I guess that is also different for different people.
  • aprilgicker
    aprilgicker Posts: 395 Member
    Sounds to me you seem to be off to a great start but may also want some maintenance worked in.
    Always be as active as you want. if you prefer to walk/run/cardio go for it, or if you want to dance and lift and bike and swim go crazy girl!
    When you finally decide to do some muscles on the upper bod to tone those arm wiggles use weights or resistance and eat a bit more protein. you'll be good to go.
    Don't be upset with folks here, we have all had our own way of doing it, and are giving you a snapshot of what was our greatest weight loss secret. There is some science behind all of what folks say here you will just have to try out which is best for you.
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    thanks coletteann it is all about the positive attitude I am finding!!
  • Anonymou5
    Anonymou5 Posts: 92
    Your question is totally irrelevant as you have the answer.

    People are giving you answers, when you infact already know that for you, personally 1000 calories per workout is overtraining. Perhaps you could burn somewhere between your current 500 and 1000 without overtraining. But as you have already found experimentation and feel is the most important.
  • Kristinemomof3
    Kristinemomof3 Posts: 636 Member
    I don't focus on a number, I let my body tell me what I should be doing. I lift and then if I feel like doing more later, will do a cardio video or if I want something lighter, I will walk in the evening. I feel less is more, but that's JMO. It really boils down to diet anyway. Even if you are burning that many calories, you need to be eating adequately or your body is not going to do anything for you.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I do slim series from beach body so it's cardio and weights, the days that the concentration is more on weights I always born at least 200 more calories on my HRM. Most days it's around 500, the days I'm heavier on weights, my burn is closer to 700+.
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 756 Member
    Do what makes you feel comfortable. I do 3 sessions a day; morning dvd's, lunch time run and afternoon at the gym. I'm burning usually about 800-1000 calories within the day, so 500 is manageable.
  • Ahluvly
    Ahluvly Posts: 389 Member
    Hey just saw this!

    My advice to you is to listen to your body. For all 500 calories a day (burn wise) is fine for some, it's not for others. I think it's important you give your body a rest at least 1 day a week otherwise you will do yourself damage in the long run, and it's not worth it. You need a diet and exercise plan that you can adopt and maintain for life.

    For weight/fat loss you should be aiming to do 50% weight bearing workouts. Cardio will not be enough, you will need to gain strength and, tone your entire body up whilst eating a well balanced clean diet. When you do weight bearing exercises, you are building muscle therefore you are encouraging your body to burn more efficiently and effectively.
  • coletteann123
    Definatly posative attitude. Id say set yourself goals daily depending on how your feeling? i have days when im just really exhausted and dont want to do anything, so i watch what i eat and maybe not do as much at the gym but i still go and make a effort but rather than say right today ill burn 500cals,, ill do 400 on different machines so its not the norm??

    Its all how your body feels i think? maybe you can over train? i know if im working hard i can really feel i need to rest so i do? everyone of us is different so i dont think there is a clear cut answer just stick with doing something even when you dont want to and have personal goals you can strive towards :-)
  • wayno007
    wayno007 Posts: 8 Member
    I don't really decide on a number. I just go out there and do it. What I do strive for is a minimum of 1 hour.

    This. I usually bike 20-30 minutes and lift for the balance of the hour. At my age I'm just going for tone, flexibility, and endurance.
  • kimmianne89
    kimmianne89 Posts: 428 Member
    I aim to burn between 2000 and 3500 a week. But I am unable to work out every day, I also have a few health problems so if I am having a *bad* day then I aim for atleast 250 ... if a good day then 1000.

    I don't think you run the risk of overtraining. although You may run the risk of tiring yourself out so just listen to your body :)
  • Briski1411
    Briski1411 Posts: 296 Member
    What I do...........
    I do Cardio first thing in the morning before I eat.
    I work out with weights after work 3-4 times a week.
    In the evening I may do cardio again before bed but not likely.

    When you train do so with a vengance! Train hard don't half *kitten* it. This is your time so make the most out of it. The more muscle you have the more calories you will burn on a daily basis. Muscle also takes more calories to maintain + it looks sexy!

    If you are looking to loose 2 pounds a week try for an excess of 1000 calories a day. If 1 pound a week then shoot for an excess of 500 calories per day.

    Ultimately it comes down to how bad you want it and more impotantly how your body feels on a daily basis.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
  • nucreeman
    nucreeman Posts: 40
    I cardio and strength train at least 5 times a week, (trying to get consistent with Saturdays), My morning workout burns around 500. When I was doing Zumba class twice a week, that's when I noticed fast and dramatic results. Zumba burns 500 calories a class. The class left me feeling like I was burning too many calories, because I was totally exhausted with no appetitie, but I don't think you can burn too many, but you can over exert yourself working out, but you will know it when your doing it.
  • Babymomakell
    Babymomakell Posts: 257 Member
    I cardio and strength train at least 5 times a week, (trying to get consistent with Saturdays), My morning workout burns around 500. When I was doing Zumba class twice a week, that's when I noticed fast and dramatic results. Zumba burns 500 calories a class. The class left me feeling like I was burning too many calories, because I was totally exhausted with no appetitie, but I don't think you can burn too many, but you can over exert yourself working out, but you will know it when your doing it.

    Just wondering how you discovered the calorie-loss for Zumba? and I assume it is how hard you go at it, I just took my first class yesturday (and it was fun!) and I want to keep going, I worry that its not enough of a calorie burn because I have a badback and I have to be carefull with some of the high-impact (plus it was my first time and I had no clue how to do the moves, lol)