
I proper love this app its the best ever!
Ive always been a yo yo dieter and i'm working really hard at getting it right this time
Am i doing the right thing if my net calories are under 1200
please help anyone
I want to start running and it seems if I stick to 1200 and dont excercise i lose weight its when i start to excercise I eat more and dont lose weight although i generally dont go over my calories


  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    You're total calories should not be under 1200 and for most people neither should their net calories. (There are exceptions. And you can find some lively debates on the topic on the message boards.) Eating too little is a major contributor to yo-yo dieting. There are several good posts about eating enough. Check out some of the "permanent" postings about how to use the site.

    A good starting point is to fill in your goals -- to start with you should probably fill in your current and goal weights and let MyFitnessPal (MFP) use the default settings.

    Record what you eat and your exercise as well as you can. Do not go below 1200 calories per day. Eat between that amount and the total MFP sets as your target most of the time. (It's ok to go over occasionally, especially if it's only by a small amount.) When you increase the amount MFP says you can eat by adding exercise, eat at least half of the calories MFP adds for the exercise.

    Those are my starting suggestions. Your mileage (and weight loss) may vary.