Here we go again!

Hi, my name is Katie im 21 and have a 1 year old daughter and 2 year old son. I lost 2 and a half stone after i had my little girl, put nearly a stone back on and now have just got back under the weight i was when i lost it the first time.

I am enjoying dieting but with 2 really young children, working and at college fulltime feel sometimes that with all the stress im just going to fall off the wagon AGAIN!

Looking for some new friends for 2 way help and support!

Please add me and lets hope its second time lucky!!!


  • beachlover718
    Hi Katie, I'm Sarah, I also have two kids- 4 1/2 and 6. I definitely know about trying to lose weight during stressful times- lost 25 lbs on WW 3 yrs ago while going thru a divorce. I have stayed pretty close to goal since then but this winter I kind of let myself go so I'm back on the wagon and ready to get fit and keep up with my very active boys! feel free to add me as a friend :-)