Love & Relationships

This ? is for those of you who are married or in a committed
relationship. Is it at all possible to love or be in love with more
than one person? Let's say you're happily married & you meet
someone, initially you're just friends but slowly you gain feelings
for this person. Does your love change for your spouse? Have any
of you experienced that?


  • ProjectTae
    ProjectTae Posts: 461 Member
    I've never experienced this but I'd say if you're really in love with someone, you wouldn't fall in love with someone else, because even if there is no physical encounter this still is a form of cheating (and the worse form in my opinion)
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I personally don't think you can be in love with one person and cheat or have feelings for another one. I think you CAN love one person and cheat or have feelings for another person. But I think there's a difference between in love and love. Not that I think I could do it, but I think it's possible.
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    Many people confuse great chemistry with love.. and of course, the human heart is complex, there's no reason you can't have feelings for more than one person. Otherwise, no one would be able to love more than one child, etc.. but, there is a matter of integrity. You've made a promise to this person you are with.. are you so fickle as to break it just because you have (probably temporary and fleeting) 'feelings' for someone else? That is the true question.
  • ChrisStoney
    ChrisStoney Posts: 479 Member
    “Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart and it means that someone can get inside you and mess you up. You build up all these defenses, you build up a whole suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life...You give them a piece of you. They didn't ask for it. They did something dumb one day, like kiss you or smile at you, and then your life isn't your own anymore. Love takes hostages. It gets inside you. It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so simple a phrase like 'maybe we should be just friends' turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart. It hurts. Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It's a soul-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain. I hate love.”
  • devonette
    devonette Posts: 263 Member
    I have not experienced it, but know people who have. If a person truly loves their spouse or significant other, the second they find the friendship with the other person changing to stronger feelings akin to love they need to step back, back off, nip it in the bud. This includes developing online flirtations, which I have seen destroy marriages.
  • Judanjos
    Judanjos Posts: 87
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 1,005 Member
    oooooh interesting question
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
  • jacquelyn_erika
    jacquelyn_erika Posts: 524 Member
    I've never experienced this but I'd say if you're really in love with someone, you wouldn't fall in love with someone else, because even if there is no physical encounter this still is a form of cheating (and the worse form in my opinion)

    You hit the nail on the head.
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    ^^ Haha, totally didn't see that someone else posted the same thing!
  • Judanjos
    Judanjos Posts: 87
    ^^ Haha, totally didn't see that someone else posted the same thing!

    :) And to think there were so many pics to go with that quote. You know what they say..great minds think alike lol ...however this kind of relationship situation totally sucks.
  • HarleyQuinn_12
    HarleyQuinn_12 Posts: 376 Member

    This is a truth.
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    ^^ Haha, totally didn't see that someone else posted the same thing!

    :) And to think there were so many pics to go with that quote. You know what they say..great minds think alike lol ...however this kind of relationship situation totally sucks.

    I love that pic :love:

    And yes, it does suck. Been there, done that.
  • ChrisStoney
    ChrisStoney Posts: 479 Member
    ^^ Haha, totally didn't see that someone else posted the same thing!

    :) And to think there were so many pics to go with that quote. You know what they say..great minds think alike lol ...however this kind of relationship situation totally sucks.

    I love that pic :love:

    So what side have you been on? falling in love with two people, or being the 'first' one? just wondering.

    And yes, it does suck. Been there, done that.
  • iwantahealthierme13
    iwantahealthierme13 Posts: 337 Member
    It shouldn't be possible to love two people romantically at the same time.

    I'm not married but I was engaged at one point and I remember that in the two years I was with this man I never so much as looked at another guy with those kind of thoughts/feelings.

    I was completely and totally devoted to my then fiance, too bad he didn't deserve it! :P
  • timmymon
    timmymon Posts: 304 Member
    I am writing about love for a final exam in my philosophy of emotion class right now! This is a super interesting question and it makes me think about what exactly is going on when we say we love somebody. Clearly you can love more than one person at once (I can love my mother and brother at the same time as a girlfriend or spouse). I think the only problem people have with loving more than one person romantically is a moral one, why should romantic love be limited to one single person out of the six billion in this world? I find it hard to believe that loving somebody means you can't love anyone else.
  • Kristy_Elizabeth
    I think you are probably missing something from the relationship you are in. If you were completely happy then your heart and head would be so engaged that you wouldn't give someone else a thought like that.

    Do you think you are missing a key ingredient in your first relationship. maybe like true commitment on his part, enough affection, or maybe physical attention, etc.?

    If I were you I would figure out what I was needing from my current relationship and see if I wanted to try to fix it. If I didn't want to, then I would end things cleanly with the one person before starting something new. If I wanted to preserve the current relationship, I would break off all contact with the crush and focus my energy into the guy I was committed to. Cheating hurts all parties involved so very deeply. Please don't go in that direction with it.
  • harpercutie
    harpercutie Posts: 118 Member
    it all comes down to the definition of love. many people tend to confuse "love" with "one love". do you believe in one true love or do you believe in multiple people you can be compatible with? i personally don't believe in one love because i know that i am compatible with many people out there. the next question you must ask yourself is if you believe in fate.

    theses topics are something i will never be able to wrap my head around. whatever you are feeling is not wrong. you are only human, and we has humans have to deal with these reallllly annoying things called emotions. they kind of are the root to all problems. but thats a whole other conversation. :)

    hang in there and thing out everything rationally -that's the only advice i can offer.
  • abberbabber
    abberbabber Posts: 972 Member
    ^^ Haha, totally didn't see that someone else posted the same thing!

    :) And to think there were so many pics to go with that quote. You know what they say..great minds think alike lol ...however this kind of relationship situation totally sucks.

    I love that pic :love:

    And yes, it does suck. Been there, done that.

    So what side have you been on? falling in love with two people, or being the 'first' one? just wondering.

    Falling in love while in a relationship...but I've always watched my mom be the "first" one. Both are hard places to be, IMO.
  • ChrisStoney
    ChrisStoney Posts: 479 Member
    This is interesting who knows really what love is?