Period and running???



  • Another vote for the Diva, Awesome Product worth trying. And think of all the money you'll save if you get one :-)
  • terbee
    terbee Posts: 72
    Diva!! I've been using it for years and it's wonderful. Saves money, waste, mess, etc etc. I also run long distances and swim with it in and have had no problems at all. Just make sure it is inserted correctly and not pinched in on the sides at all. I can honestly say it's been a life-changing product!

    To me it's no "grosser" than tampons, which always seemed totally toxic to my body. And now if I ever do use a pad it feels very uncomfortable and unclean.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member

    change your running route so you run back past your house at the halfway point. you can change your tampon there.

    Use two tampons. I know - kinda weird, but I've heard of people doing it. Just don't forget to take the second one out!! ;-)

    Good idea on the running route! That is what I came to say. But I wouldn't use two tampons - you possibly might forget one is up there thinking you only have one up there, and one of the cords could be pushed up there, making removal more difficult.
  • Nebrie
    Nebrie Posts: 56 Member
    I also vote for the Diva cup.

    I have been using a Diva cup for about 5 years now. I think it has a steep learning curve for insertion but once you get it you've got it. For me, it's a fantastic product.
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    I usually just skip my heavy day and try to fit it in somewhere else. I get back on schedule the week after.

    Me too.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Lots of people voting for menstrual cups, but I gotta say, I did a menstrual cup for a few years, and I did still have leakage, just like with a super plus tampon plus pad. They only hold so much! If you are really hemorrhaging, it is going to leak. I don't have anything against menstrual cups, just want to say they are not a miracle solution.
  • mollyonamission
    mollyonamission Posts: 268 Member

    I don't know why I clicked this link.
  • kabbit42
    kabbit42 Posts: 77 Member
    I would also suggest trying out a cup (it's not just Diva, there are a bunch of brands with a bunch of different shapes and sizes). When I used tampons I had such terrible cramps my doctor wrote me notes so I could miss PE and sometimes school altogether. I can't even talk about the leaking without PTSD, lol. The cup totally changed my life. I still get a bit of soreness, but no more cramps! Figuring out how to use it took a few times of trial and error, but since then I have not had a single leak, even on my heaviest days. I can exercise, go to the beach, heck even sleep through the night with no worries.
  • karyngrace
    karyngrace Posts: 105 Member
    another vote for the menstrual cup!!

    there is a huge learning curve to using them and you might have to go through a few different brands but but once you get it right, its awesome!!
    apart from reducing my cramps, working out is so much more comfortable on my heavy days!
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I vote for the DivaCup as well!
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    another vote for some type of menstrual cup. research them, at least. there is a great livejournal community that will come up if you google it.

    i started with a diva cup, but switched to a lady cup a couple years ago. i've been using them for almost 4 years, and i wish i had discovered them sooner!

    i love never dreading or complaining about my period. i love not having to worry about leaking, especially while exercising and also just sleeping overnight. i love the money i save by not having to buy tampons and pads.

    also, while more hands on and sometimes slightly messier, they are FAR less gross than tampons and pads. i never felt clean using those... i always do with a cup. =)
  • Kell_Smurthwaite
    Kell_Smurthwaite Posts: 384 Member
    I use a menstrual cup and it's great - no leaks, no problems and more capacity. I also save money because I'm not having ot buy tampons every month - the initial outlay (£10) is all for years before having to buy a new one. :)

    Bizarrely, I find my cramps aren't nearly so bad since I started using a cup. I don't know if there's any correlation between the two, but the one time I was away without my cup when my period came early and I had to use tampons (a couple of months ago), I had really bad cramps. Go figure!

    PS I've always had ludicrouly heavy periods, and used to find that on my heaviest days I was changing a super tampon every 1-2 hours and STILL sometimes having leakage problems. No problems with the Moon Cup - it's awesome! And I also have the added bonus of being green and not adding to the nasty old landfill that must be full of sanitary products - ick!
  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    Well I think the voting is unanimous for the cup. I will try and find a store in my area, I think that some of the sporting goods stores around this area have them. In the meantime I am going to do a shorter loop around my house.

    Thank you ladies!
  • princessdracos
    princessdracos Posts: 125 Member
    It has made my day to see how many women are recommending a menstrual cup! I've used a DivaCup for years now, and it has been exaggeration. The few brave friends that have tried it are also big fans. True, it's not for everyone, but one friend was able to sleep through the night for the first time during her period after she started using a cup. I also agree that it's not as "dirty" seeming as tampons and pads. To each her own, and good luck!
  • Kirkajuice
    Kirkajuice Posts: 311 Member
    Bizarrely, I find my cramps aren't nearly so bad since I started using a cup. I don't know if there's any correlation between the two, but the one time I was away without my cup when my period came early and I had to use tampons (a couple of months ago), I had really bad cramps. Go figure!

    Same here, had awful awful stomach cramps before, got my mooncup and now it doesn't hurt so bad. Period's one day shorter as well! So glad I never have to use icky pads and tampons again, pads gave me rashes, smelled bad, made noise and were horrible to dispose of, tampons were just uncomfortable and gave me infections. No problems at all since using my cup! Would recommend changing it in the shower until you're used to it though.
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    It has made my day to see how many women are recommending a menstrual cup! I've used a DivaCup for years now, and it has been exaggeration. The few brave friends that have tried it are also big fans. True, it's not for everyone, but one friend was able to sleep through the night for the first time during her period after she started using a cup. I also agree that it's not as "dirty" seeming as tampons and pads. To each her own, and good luck!

    Samsies! I seriously thought I was going to be the only one recommending them, but there was a whole page of people ahead of me! It made me so happy!