The dress came in!

busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
So, remeber when i was worried about what size dress to get for the wedding I'm in in September?
I should've gone with my gut. I ended up getting the 16 instead of the 14 and the 16 is too big. Like I can shimmy out of it. I haven't lost weight but I must have lost inches. (I didn't start counting right away so I don't know how many. :blushing: )

I'm going to have to find a good seamstress.... lol. The dress might just have to be big. *Shrug


  • maurierose
    maurierose Posts: 574 Member
    What a great choice you made!!!! And what a great result!!! So many times we get frustrated by the scale when we're doing all the right things and it doesn't seem to reflect that.... here's proof that you're on the right track, and having to get a too-big-dress sized down is such a better feeling than not fitting into a too-small-dress because you were overly optimistic. Find yourself a seamstress (if it's a simple dress your dry-cleaner may be able to fix it, otherwise check at a wedding dress store, they may welcome the business!) and enjoy that dress!!!
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