does anyone understand me?!?



  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    what would make me feel happy is looking at myself in the mirror and liking what i see... fitting into a crowd and not being the enourmous one in the group... i would love the day when my smile isnt fake! when i have a good clean eating day, with working out i am happy... but for some reason something in my body not sure what hinders me from doing so... i know i need to stand above it!

    thank you guys soooooo much for ur responses they mean the world to me!!

    I was pretty depressed a few weeks ago. From a friend's recommendation, every day after breakfast (or sometimes for breakfast if I'm not super hungry, add a spoonful or two of peanut butter for more calories then) I would put some water, a banana, one other type of fruit, and a large amount of baby spinach in a blender, blend, and then drink it all. After a day or two, my energy levels were high, I felt good and confident, and it encouraged me to eat better later on in the day. I'm starting to slip at night so I might start saving a cup for the evening cravings, too.

    Don't forget the things besides weight loss - put on your favorite shade of lipstick, buy yourself a Feel Good piece of jewelry you can wear every day to make yourself feel better. Paint your nails, try a new hair style, read a great book every night before bed, make new friends, learn something you've always wanted to do, and do a quick workout (jillian michaels 30 day shred is short) ASAP in the morning. What are your rewards for short-term goals? If I lose another half-pound by Friday and thus reach a short-term goal, I get a mani-pedi!

    you don't want to depend 100% on weight loss to feel good - because if you start struggling, it builds and can get out of control.

    we're always here to help :flowerforyou:
  • MissNations
    MissNations Posts: 513 Member
    You can totally do this. There is NOTHING wrong with taking it slow,especially during stressful times like finals. Bit by bit, day by day, no rush, just one step at a time. :flowerforyou:
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    You can do it I'm sure!!!! I never thought at the beginning I would make it this far....never....we all have bad days, but if you always keep trying you will get there!!! As for the comment about being single having to do with weight/looks, it is untrue!!!! So why do many larger people have problems in that area?? It's confidence :) when you feel you look good good it gives you more confidence. I still struggle with poor body image as well....there are days I look in the mirror and say to myself "you still have a long way to go..." other times, usually after a good day or something...maybe a complement from a aqantince, I will look in the mirror and think "wow, you are getter there" always remember that when,not if because it happens to everyone, a few bad days or a plateau happens you can get through it :) good luck to you! And I believe in you :)
  • Fockertots
    Fockertots Posts: 221
    The fact that you are on here trying means you are STRONG! You are right, they probably don't understand what you are going through, but there are people here who do understand. You are not alone!!! Just take it a day at a time, and trust me, you are beautiful!


    I have been struggling my entire life and I am blessed to have friends who told me that I was beautiful regardless, but to me that just meant that they had no idea how hard it was for me. To this day, my friends on here are still some of the most intimate; I say that because my closet purging, lying about food intake, obsessive exercise and lack of motivation have been told ONLY to them and no one in my "real life". My friends on here are why I feel able and completely capable of making my life better every single day. Get a group of friends and be yourself. Don't be ashamed to be scared or depressed. It's all part of the game, at least it was for me. Feel free to add me or message any time that you ever need anything.
    You can do this!