Gallstones? Ulcer? Acid Reflux?

CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
Not sure where to post this, so ill do it here.

Anyone had a gallbladder stone before? What did you feel?I think I might have one. I feel intense pressure in my chest (like the middle of my bra) about 1/2 hour after I eat. Its not nausea, not burning, not upset stomach. Its like the wind got knocked out of me, like someone is just pressing hard on my chest. its not after every meal... my sister, nurse, thinks its a gall stone. Its never different amounts of pain. Always the SAME feeling, not stronger and weaker. For acid reflux, isnt there more of a stronger and softer sensations? I dunno... Ive never had stomach issues. (this is more of a chest pain, like where the diaphragm is). I always eat a variety of foods. I LOVE spicy foods, so spice has never irritated my stomach, and ive only noticed this pain recently (~month). Its now... 5 hours after ive eaten, and I still feel it. Like the wind is knocked out of you.

Im obviously gonna see a doctor, gonna call tomorrow, but im just curious to see if anyones experienced this before?


  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    I just had my gallbladder out in November.
    My attacks did not feel like they were in my chest, more like just below the rib cage and more on the right than the left, well below my bra.

    When I was a kid, I got hit in the diaphragm with a soccer ball and had the wind knocked out of me. It sort of felt like that - like I'd been kicked by a mule.

    They lasted for hours, woke me up in the middle of the night. It was usually accompanied by extreme nausea, and the worst one, the one that sent me to the ER was accompanied by vomiting up green gunk.

    Shortly after that, they were happening pretty much daily. Before that, I'd had 3 or 4 milder attacks in the previous 2 years leading up to it.

    A friend had pain radiating to her back.

    If it is gallbladder, and you develop a fever or jaundice, go immediately to an ER.
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
    I just had my gallbladder out in November.
    My attacks did not feel like they were in my chest, more like just below the rib cage and more on the right than the left, well below my bra.

    When I was a kid, I got hit in the diaphragm with a soccer ball and had the wind knocked out of me. It sort of felt like that - like I'd been kicked by a mule.

    They lasted for hours, woke me up in the middle of the night. It was usually accompanied by extreme nausea, and the worst one, the one that sent me to the ER was accompanied by vomiting up green gunk.

    Shortly after that, they were happening pretty much daily. Before that, I'd had 3 or 4 milder attacks in the previous 2 years leading up to it.

    A friend had pain radiating to her back.

    If it is gallbladder, and you develop a fever or jaundice, go immediately to an ER.

    Hummm... Mine hasnt (only have noticed for a few weeks every 2-7 day) given me any sickness. No other symptoms other then the "wind knocked out of me" feeling. and usually is at night, and ill sleep and wake up fine in the am. Tonight its been 5 hours.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    YES... see a doctor. My mom had a gallbladder issue and had nause several years ago. This is not the type of thing to play with. Go to the doctor.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    ive had a similar pain since i was 16 (im 28 now) - i had multiple gallstones and they thought that was the problem so i had my gall bladder removed. i still get the pain, just not as often. it always hits me suddenly, very stong very sharp pain and then fades, anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour later. nothing seems to help. i had my surgeon tell me that it was just acid reflux,i took prilosec (max dose) for months and it didnt help. another dr told me it was GERD, and to watch my diet and make sure i stop eating 2 hours before bed. that didnt help either.. now it seems to only happen once a month, but its still a pain to deal with... i went to the ER last week because it was so bad, and all they could find was some "trapped gas" :/
    sorry im not more help - but youre not alone!
  • nelliebarr
    nelliebarr Posts: 11 Member
    I used to get exactly the same thing.......after trying various remedies I went to the Dr and she very kindly told me it was indigestion, but it was down to my age !!!!! However. on the up side, she gave me some tablets to take and they are marvellous, however, since eating properly I don't get it. It was mainly if I had anything very fatty like Sensations Crisps or too much bread. I thought it was my gallbladder, but she said no.:smile:
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
    I used to get exactly the same thing.......after trying various remedies I went to the Dr and she very kindly told me it was indigestion, but it was down to my age !!!!! However. on the up side, she gave me some tablets to take and they are marvellous, however, since eating properly I don't get it. It was mainly if I had anything very fatty like Sensations Crisps or too much bread. I thought it was my gallbladder, but she said no.:smile:

    Interesting... I am gonna go, but im gonna feel silly if its indigestion. But i just think its odd since ive NEVER had stomach issues. I can eat ANYTHING and be fine. The only times I get "sick" is when I drink too much. Never have upset tummys... A lot of you are saying that with gallbladder comes vomiting and nausea. Well... I guess ill leave it up to a doc.

    I eat a lot of meat... And i read gallstones are made of crystalized cholesterol? Im only 19. nineteen! BUT my grandma and aunt both had gallstones removed.
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
    ive had a similar pain since i was 16 (im 28 now) - i had multiple gallstones and they thought that was the problem so i had my gall bladder removed. i still get the pain, just not as often. it always hits me suddenly, very stong very sharp pain and then fades, anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour later. nothing seems to help. i had my surgeon tell me that it was just acid reflux,i took prilosec (max dose) for months and it didnt help. another dr told me it was GERD, and to watch my diet and make sure i stop eating 2 hours before bed. that didnt help either.. now it seems to only happen once a month, but its still a pain to deal with... i went to the ER last week because it was so bad, and all they could find was some "trapped gas" :/
    sorry im not more help - but youre not alone!

    See.. this is what i fear, that im gonna go to the docs, and they will toss me around. LOL. I just hate not knowing if its something to worry about or not. Its just uncomfortable. If i had like PAINPAIN id be more worried.
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
    YES... see a doctor. My mom had a gallbladder issue and had nause several years ago. This is not the type of thing to play with. Go to the doctor.

    Have an apt for friday. ;[
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    I only had the sickness once, and had multiple attacks, though I did have waves of nausea with some of them.