After 3 Weeks of Daily Exercise My Clothes are TIGHTER!



  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    There is no way you can know how much you are eating unless you measure. If you put your trust in the person packaging your food then you are making a mistake. I sometimes throw away 15-20% of the excess from the chicken when trimming it. Chicken bread and bbq sauce is not a healthy diet for some one who is working out 2 times a day EVERYDAY.

    Do you think this is a realistic diet and exercise regimen for you forever? I am not trying to be mean, just really think about your future and weight loss. If you didn't work out every day before or even at all I believe that you need to give yourself a rest day. If you are not fueling your body properly then you will have poor results.

    Processed carbs are know for causing water retention. If you are not eating a balanced amount of carbs, fat and protein then your body could be working against you.

    So after all that I will give you some suggestions.

    1. Track everything you are eating to the T on here. You may be surprised what your body is lacking nutrient wise. Find foods that you like that will give you a balanced diet. Sometimes it is more than calories when it comes to fueling your body for work outs. Also, if you eat to little you body can work against you. Use these great tools the website gives you to meet your goals.

    2. Chill out on the work outs. You body does need to rest. You may not feel it but your body will thank you in other ways.

    3. Chill out on the scale for a while and measure. How your clothes fit is way more important than what number is on that torture device!

    EDITED: Please do not trust serving sizes on prepackaged food. It is inaccurate. You know how I know? I measured out all my portions and I almost always get 1-3 extra servings!
  • fatchiick
    fatchiick Posts: 105
    Anymore suggestions??? ha I'm over a month now still the same it super sucks :(

    I have some old tae bo videos so the only thing. I can think of to do is mix it up since I've rested 2 days, Exercised only once a day, changed my cals, my food, waited for tom, etc is change up my exercise.... hope it works :/
  • kaydensmom12
    kaydensmom12 Posts: 338
    Same as the others said...
    Rest days- you need to take more than one rest day a week, it is very important for your muscles and body. Make sure you are at the correct number of calories; if you tried to go over 1800 and it didn't work then honestly try to go to 1500 cals. This is a lock and key situation, if what you are doing is not working then keep switching everything up until something clicks. Measuring can make a huge difference, I buy chicken and it says 40oz total and sometimes I have 32oz and sometimes I have 45 oz, which is at least an extra 250 cals that I would be counting if I didn't measure. I have rarely encountered the amount of servings stated. Underestimating is just as important as over estimating. I hope that you are measuring yourself instead of relying on the scale. Sorry if I mentioned something you already rallied against but I didn't read all of the messages.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    can you open your dairy?

    is it possible that you;re eating more than you think you are eating? weight loss is more determined by your calories than your exercise.

    ^^^^ This exactly. It doesn't matter if you're exercising if you are still consuming a surplus of calories. You have to stay in a calorie deficit to lose weight.
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    all the advice about mrasuring is nice, but I thibk certain things don't need to be measure... ig there are 16 servings in a bottle and use the bottle 5 times a day for a week and is still half full.. obviously I'm not evening using the full serving that I'm counting, if I have 2 lbs of chicken and eat half the pack one day and half the pack the next day more chicken didn't magically appear lol... so if anything I was overestimating my cals...

    This is the first time in my life that I'm counting calories. When I was young, I'd just up my activity to get fit.

    And now I'm measuring EVERYTHING.

    I cut up my apple and put it on a scale. I use a tablespoon measure to measure peanut butter. Then I started weighing the peanut butter, too, because eye-balling a tablespoon was leading to eating too much.

    I use mayo with my tuna. A "serving" is a tablespoon. I often use less than that, but I measure it. If I use 2 teaspoons, that's 2/3 of a tablespoon or .67 serving.

    For something as sugar-laden as BBQ sauce - you bet I'd measure it, especially if I was stuck.

    I measure my fiber supplement (at only 15 cals/serving) and add it in my diary.

    You don't know how much you're actually eating unless you are measuring/weighing it.