cheated =\

so i've been veryy good with my diet for the last month, i've limited my carbs and lost 12 pounds! but last night i was cravingg chinese food so me and a friend went out and i had a plate of general tso and some fried rice. terrible, i know. i just went on the scale and wish i didn't, i gained 4 pounds from last night! i feel so bloated now, i was wondering if any of you know how i can flush some of this out of my system, should i just drink more water than usual today?


  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Drink lots of water and eat lots of fresh veggies today.

    Don't beat yourself up over it, it is just water weight.

    Don't be like me, I had chinese food 3 days this week. I didn't eat the rice though, only had beef and broccoli with extra broccoli..............but I still retained water from it though.