I just broke my scale - literally, no joke -

I stepped on the scale this morning and just got pissed :explode: :mad: (as in outraged, not drunk)! I lost it and picked it up and slammed it against the tile. Made me feel better but I need to go buy a new scale before my husband gets home.

So what made me angry was several weeks ago I broke a barrier that I hadn't been under in like 4 years, 85kg, I stepped on the scale and after weeks of diet and exercise I made it to 84.4 kg!!! I was so happy. I kept it up and no progress, no progress, no progress. Then the scale started creeping up. WTF!!!! It went up and up and up to 86 kg! I was angry. Then it started dropping again, yesterday I was at 85.1 and thinking ohhh effing finally!!! Then this morning I stepped on and 85.3!!! I have just effing had it, I've busted my butt with strength and cardio. I skipped my "cheat days". I learned about rest days and incorporated those. Kept all snack food with the exceptions of dried fruits and nuts out of my house and it's not doing any effing good! I wanted to go see my family in CA and be under 80kg but no, I have worked so hard to be able to show them some sort of progress and there's nothing. Nothing to show for my hard work, not even a little bit. What they will see is "oh, that's nice, you got the baby weight off". I feel like a total failure and I hate myself right now. :sad:

An telling me 200 grams could be water weight is not going to help, but thanks for the thought.