Struggling - any suggestions?



  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    If all your macros are spot on you should have 0 cals left. There are 4 cals per gram of carb, 4 protein And 9 fat. By having so many cals left but not many carb / fat / pro, that suggests that some of your entries are incorrect, or you have used some foods that have calories but no other nutritional value.

    It doesn't matter if your macros are slightly over or under, it's hard to get th perfect every time. Cals are the most important.
  • spanglevie
    spanglevie Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks its baffling me as I don't think I've entered anything incorrectly. They are only slightly out so I'll not worry too much about it. I need to find some food thats no carbs but high protein - is there anything that isn't meat or fish? Tried nuts, seeds and even those have carbs. I'm surprised actually since doing this how much food, especially vegetables has carbs in. More than you would think.
  • spanglevie
    spanglevie Posts: 63 Member
    Well here's a quick update - a month on.

    I just want to thanks everyone who commented on here and especially you psulemon ;-)

    I have been following your suggestions and eating a much highly protein diet. Eating loads more calories instead of starving myself. At first I had massive carb cravings but I was really focused and was able to push those thoughts to one side and keep going. It was all worth it. After only a few days I didn't crave carbs. I'm feeling much fuller, eating good, healthy food. I thought I was eating healthy before, but have since realised I wasn't eating all the right things.

    I have discovered protein shakes and have enjoyed experimenting with different recipes.

    My hubby is following suit and has also changed his eating habits too, also feeling the benefits.

    So - I didn't get weighed for a month...... what are the results....... yep lost the pesky 4lbs that were bothering me. All in time for my holiday. On Thursday we fly to Ibiza and for the first time in a long time I actually feel as if I have a body to be a little bit proud of. Not totally there but feeling MUCH better about not only my body but I'm in a much better place in my mind too. And something must be going right as people are actually commenting now.

    Fully intend on following the same rules, as much as I can while I'm on holiday. Taking the protein shakes with me ;-)

    So to anyone who finds themselves in the same position as I was in I would say go for it. Eat more to lose more - it's definitely the way forward.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Well here's a quick update - a month on.

    I just want to thanks everyone who commented on here and especially you psulemon ;-)

    I have been following your suggestions and eating a much highly protein diet. Eating loads more calories instead of starving myself. At first I had massive carb cravings but I was really focused and was able to push those thoughts to one side and keep going. It was all worth it. After only a few days I didn't crave carbs. I'm feeling much fuller, eating good, healthy food. I thought I was eating healthy before, but have since realised I wasn't eating all the right things.

    I have discovered protein shakes and have enjoyed experimenting with different recipes.

    My hubby is following suit and has also changed his eating habits too, also feeling the benefits.

    So - I didn't get weighed for a month...... what are the results....... yep lost the pesky 4lbs that were bothering me. All in time for my holiday. On Thursday we fly to Ibiza and for the first time in a long time I actually feel as if I have a body to be a little bit proud of. Not totally there but feeling MUCH better about not only my body but I'm in a much better place in my mind too. And something must be going right as people are actually commenting now.

    Fully intend on following the same rules, as much as I can while I'm on holiday. Taking the protein shakes with me ;-)

    So to anyone who finds themselves in the same position as I was in I would say go for it. Eat more to lose more - it's definitely the way forward.

    This is awesome! Psulemon was giving you great advice. The scale is only one measure and not even the best one. You are doing great! Stay on course!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    Awesome update! More proof about feeding your body to lose weight.
  • spanglevie
    spanglevie Posts: 63 Member
    Its a TOTAL revelation to me, and one I am so glad I tried.

    You are what you eat - so true.
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    Just wish the scales would say what I want them to say. I've always been a scales obsessive, thats just part of me. Actually just had a conversation with someone at work who said you look like you've lost weight, so thats cheered me up a bit :-)

    How about just focussing on your clothes size and body fat %. The scale doesn't show your re-composition changes! If you have been adding LBM whilst reducing fat the scale will not change. It doesn't mean you arn't progressing!

    I gave up on caring about the number on the scale. I'm 5'2 and stuck on 61 kg (australian size 8) I've been trying to get to 58 kg.

    Thing is I'm actually a lot thinner now in June weighing 1 kg more (61 kg) than I was back in February when I weighed 60 kg. I've had to go down in clothes sizes a couple of times since then. People keep commenting that I'm losing so much weight when they see me every 2 months. I doubt I'll lose that much more on the scale as my body frame and amount of lbm dictates I'll be at the upper end of the healthy weight range. I've been told I look like im 55 kg btw.

    Hope this helps encourage you
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    Oh just saw your latest update. Thats great! :)