Just Wondering...

How accurate you all are with vegetable calories? I don't want to get into the habit of weighing a few mushrooms i got a bit obsessive with this before...is a guestimate usually ok? :)


  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    If you estimate - you are either under or over with your recording it thus potentially causing a problem.

    Some people need to weigh everything because they need to retrain the way food truly should be handled.

    For some, its a big eye-opener and a reality check. That 'Grab Bag' of Doritos is actually 2 to 2.5 servings per bag, and then if you find the single serving bags (1 to 1.5oz), most people would be like "are you freaking kidding, really?"

    If you track your intake, its best to keep handling it the same across the board. Consistency.

    Its ultimately up to you and how you choose to run your MFP account. Either guess or weigh it out. But, if you start seeing unfavorable changes weight-wise, then you will know your estimations are wrong.

    Personally for me, I prefer weighing everything out for my plate. I need to make sure things are properly portioned and balanced due to medical problems that I am being treated for.