Advice please!

I am currently down 9 pounds with roughly 19 more to go to get to my goal weight. I am 5'0 and currenlty weigh 149.

I changed my eating habits and bumped up my exercise in March of this year. I am losing inches and happy with that but also want to get down to my goal weight. I know I am not eating enough calories but not sure exactly what I should do. I try to eat 1200 calories but don't want to eat just because and not even sure that is the correct target #. I need some advice of ways to get calories in but in a healthy way. I do exercise 3 times a week. I know it should be more but I work full time and have 2 small kids. I do body pump, body combat & boot camp each week (Monday - Wednesday). I am going to try & go at least 4 times this week and see if that helps. If I do, I will probably add in Zumba.

I went through some posts and figured out some numbers so hopefully someone can help. My BMR is 2181, TDEE is 2171, RMR is 1385 & my average calories burned per day (used an online calculator) is 2065.


  • marymickaela
    marymickaela Posts: 190 Member
    My BMR is 2181, TDEE is 2171, RMR is 1385 & my average calories burned per day (used an online calculator) is 2065.

    What is BMR, TDEE and RMR? Also you stated your staying around 1200 calories, but here say you average 2065. What is your actual average calories. I use MFP to track my calories and exercise. I stick to around 1200 per day and work out doing strength training 3x's per week, cardio about everyday. It sounds like you do way more cardio then me. I'm losing weight, but it hasn't been easy.

  • mturgeon05
    mturgeon05 Posts: 204
    Not sure your numbers are correct there. Your BMR cannot be higher than your TDEE...
  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    Some basics:

    1200 is probably a good start for you to kick start your weight loss, but you need to keep it consistent, you should stop "trying " to work out and just commit to doing it, and you really really can't go below it. YES eat "just because" if you aren't at 1200 yet. You might try planning your day around 6 small meals rather than 3 fulls, I found that easier to keep a nice 1200 calorie intake when I was at 1200.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    You have your numbers incorrect. BMR and RMR are the same thing. "Resting Metabolic Rate" and "Basal Metabolic Rate". This is the number of calories your body would need if you were in a coma and did absolutely nothing all day. This is how many calories it takes to fuel your organs, brain function, etc.

    ATLEAST consume your BMR minimum. That means 1385 MINIMUM. 1200 calories is far too low for almost everyone unless you are morbidly obese, which, you are not.

    You say your TDEE is 2171-2181. Awesome. Eat anywhere between 1385 and 2171 and you will lose weight. According to the calculations I did you can SAFELY set your goal to 1.5 lb loss per week or daily goal of 1421 calories. (Assuming 500 calories a day equals one pound per week and another 250 equals another half pound. This allows you to lose 1.5 pounds per week WHILE consuming atleast your BMR or right above it)

    I hope this makes sense and please feel free to message me with any questions~

    Re-read OPs post to say- it is important to consume adequate calories and nutrition to fuel your body. Try adding some snack that might be higher in calories such as almonds, peanuts, hummus with veggies, a protien bar, etc. Eating things with avocado, peanut butter, and foods high in healthy fats can also help. I try and eat breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, desert to get all of my calories in, however, if you prefer to eat one big meal a day or three bigger meals a day do it! You will find especially as you get closer to your goal weight that not consuming enough will stall or even stop your weight loss. Creating too high of a deficit can also result in muscle loss and NO ONE wants to be skinny fat. ;)
  • FindingMinnieMe
    FindingMinnieMe Posts: 5 Member
    I have been working out 3 times a week since March. I did say I would try & go 4 times.
  • FindingMinnieMe
    FindingMinnieMe Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks everyone!
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I can not see your diary but I am willing to take a gander that you are for sure not eating enough. Please add some low glycemic carbs to your diet to get some calories in, especially on days you exercise. Quinoa, steel cut oats and sweet potatoes are a great way to eat delicious foods that are good for you while adding calories.

    I did not see a weight loss until after i went from 1200 calories to 1400, then I raised it to 1540 and still kept losing.(43 years od, 5'3") I was way under eating and the difference in my appearance (my face) after I started eating more is incredibly different than when I was not eating enough.

    Do not fear food, it is your friend, but like any friend, the good ones make you better and the bad ones make you worse. Balance is the key. :)