Mother's day blues- wanting to binge today!

Wondering if anyone else is feeling the blahs of day after mother's day? I am having to work really hard not to let food comfort me today! I am missing my Mom and feeling hurt at my family (husband) for ignoring the day yesterday. I would love to eat a pint of ice cream (because it WOULD make me feel better, if only for a little while) but determined to stay the course. Anyone else struggling?


  • Cheri1218
    Cheri1218 Posts: 268 Member
    It hasn't been on my mind too much, but I will pray for you. Stay strong. Maybe go for a walk or work out to clear your mind.
  • dlgoodson
    dlgoodson Posts: 1 Member
    Maybe instead of a pint, just enjoy an icecream bar, then take a walk. Its ok to treat yourself a little, and the walk might help the blues too.
  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    Well that is a bummer. I'm sorry you are missing your mom, and that your hubby is seeming to be a touch insensitive. I'm not sure, but i *think* that if you eat that ice'll ultimately feel worse in the long run don't you?

    Perhaps there is a more constructive way to get a little comfort? Maybe a nice walk with your music in your ears? Walk the dog, walk the kids? Maybe even a bubble bath! I bet that would make you feel better and last i checked, there were not many calories in bubbles.

    I do hope that your day picks up.

  • atldrew
    atldrew Posts: 25 Member
    Sorry you had a crummy Mother's Day. Maybe they were trying to give you a break by leaving you alone? I know I tired to keep the kids out of my wife's hair yesterday so she could have some peace and quiet. I set up one day a week as a cheat day. I don't log the food and don't feel guilty about eating it. What is crazy is that I found knowing that I am able to "cheat" I often don't really want to as much. And when I do my body feels lethargic after which makes me want to eat the offending food less. Hope this helps. :-)
  • Patsy165
    Patsy165 Posts: 12 Member
    Good idea about a walk and my dogs think so too! Thanks for the support!
  • stacymama5
    stacymama5 Posts: 391 Member
    I too seem to always dread Mother's Day. I have 3 step-children that I raised and they always got to spend Mother's Day with their "real mom" which to me was so sad. Yesterday morning I saw my Mom who has Alzheimer's. I was glad for a chance to see her but it was depressing and I was depressed all day!!

    BUT, I realized this morning that I need to quit pouting and be glad for what I have. I need to get over it and enjoy the day (although I will have to wait until next year). I deserve to have a good day for myself and its ok to enjoy myself.
  • jaime1029
    jaime1029 Posts: 22 Member
    I am right here with you! I am so depressed today. But we can conquer this feeling. I have two children. My kids are 16 and 13.
    Neither one of there fathers said happy mothers day to me! My oldest son texted me and applolgized to me. My youngest said nothing. I have been in a relationship with someone for 4 years , we live together and he will not say Happy Mothers day to me It furiates me every year! Just plain aggravates me.
    I to will be heading out of my office here in a few minutes and heading for a walk. I hope you have a better day today!
  • Stacyfit37
    Stacyfit37 Posts: 56
    I didn't have the best Mother's Day either. Lots of family drama and found out my husband hid a ticket from me and now we owe close to $600. So..... I'm going to get a pedicure today and treat myself to some new makeup.

    I hope you feel better. Do something nice for yourself.
  • Emilybryar
    Emilybryar Posts: 19 Member
    I am so sorry that you are feeling blue. Heaven knows I should be. My house is a mess. I didnt do any thing yesterday and with five beautiful children ages 12-3 well it looks like a tornato came through my place. Anyways, I would suggest praying/meditatinstg on positive things then go out into nature even if it is just in your yard and get some sun shine. Then put on your favorate song and turn it up loud and dance!!!!!! Then if you still feel like an ice cream go for a home made protein bar.
    strawberries blended add some protein powder and a little water and if needed/wanted a little agave or stevia to sweeten. freeze and enjoy. Or go for a smoothie
    Pineapple or any berrie, water, banana, 2 oranges and 8ish oz of water blend and enjoy.
    I hope this helps. I hate bad days. Smile also and look at the blessings. : ) Peppermint is a mood booster if you have any oils you should put some in your water or on your neck. : )
    Hugs and good luck!
  • kburnslicsw
    kburnslicsw Posts: 10
    I had a hard day yesterday. Lost my only son to Cystic Fibrosis three years ago. I scheduled a massage for myself, then took a long nap. got up long enough to eat dinner, then just went back to bed. I knew if I stayed up I would over eat....sometimes you just need to do what you need to do to take care of yourself. hang in there.
  • zellagrrl
    zellagrrl Posts: 439
    I would get in a really hard workout with a punching bag, preferably.
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    First, Happy Mothers Day to YOU!
    I think you can give yourself a small treat .... followed by a walk with your man later and when you get him alone you can tell him how much it will mean to you next year when he makes sure NOT to forget Mothers day :)