HELP !!! im at a road block !

sorry for the crazy, but im hitting a wall. ive been eating healthy with few treats but some and on weekend i still eat healthy but treat myself a little. i dont work out to hard right now cuz im kinda hurt in my back and neck area so i have to be careful. i dont know why but ive only lost one pound. you can read my food diary. what do i need to to. i need to shed fat lbs and before august! im in the military and have to lose 11 lbs to keep my job sadly the stress of moving and my new location has caused to me to gain weight. ive never had a problem like this before.its driveing me crazy ! HELP HELP HELP. WHAT DO I DO. =( im terrified. every day that i enter my stuff it say to little calories but im full. ugh and i keep going over sugar. ANY kinda help would be great. thank you for reading my rant and plea.


  • prudolph69
    prudolph69 Posts: 13
    Have you calculated your BMR? There is the BMR calculator under the tools tab. This is how I understand weight loss - from your BMR # subtract 500 and that is how many calories you need to consume - I was having troubles losing for a few weeks because this site adds what exercise you do to what calories you can eat. When I started keeping my calories strictly to the BMR (-) 500, I started losing weight. I am not pro by any means but this is what made a difference for me
  • prudolph69
    prudolph69 Posts: 13
    Also, what I understand about sugar is the body cant process it so it stores it as fat. I try to only treat myself once a week and the other days I find things that sweet tasting but not full of sugar. bananas or apples with peanut butter are my favorites. Just a little food for thought
  • Jesslhernandez
    Jesslhernandez Posts: 19 Member
    thanks ya peanutbutter seems to be my treat =) i eat it with carrots and celery with my lunch. also fruit with a lil bit of cherry yogurt is a fave. i will start to not eat my work out calories then. ill at my w/o at the end of the day. thanks =)
  • prudolph69
    prudolph69 Posts: 13
    I hope it helps - losing weight is so hard