weekend binges



  • 7funnygirl7
    7funnygirl7 Posts: 1,176
    A few observations:

    1) A lot of secret dieters struggle with the weekends because they don't wasn't people in social situations to know they are dieting. Either be honest with people that you're trying to better yourself, or come up with some excuses...saving up, are before going out, the doctor wants me to cut back, stomach upset...

    2) Like all addictions, you have to figure out your enablers and hardest habits...clubbing, certain sites, the movies...then future out how to fix it. Take half a meal home, no popcorn topping. Start slow and build on it. Forgive yourself for a relapse.

    3)Weigh yourself Friday and Monday to see how bad it all really is. Part of your journey should be an experiment...when I eat X, my weight is Y.. When I drink booze, I feel better, then worse.

    4) Chances are, your friends are also struggling with the same problem. Be honest and chances are you'll find someone who will make healthy choices, too.

    Good luck, folks! Add me if you'd like!

    Some dandy advice! I think I will take some of that....Thanks! :happy:
  • workshy000
    workshy000 Posts: 90 Member
    I start talking myself away from the binge Friday morning and keep going until I am over the first hurdle; Friday nights are the worst for me, followed closely by Saturday! The drum beat of take-away food calls.
    If I can get it into my consciousness that I actually feel better when I eat a healthy home-cooked moderate sized meal rather than when I over-eat calorie rich food the cravings subside.
  • Francesca3162
    Francesca3162 Posts: 520 Member
    I eat what I want but in modified ways..... check out my diary..... if i want pizza and wings... then its a flat bread with veggies and cheese... and grilled chicken wings with the skin removed and tossed with a small amount of sauce instead of swimming in it..... my husband is a chef so he cooks what he wants and i have to control what I put in my mouth..... I want to not deprive myself of things.... so if i really want the mocha latte, ....I have to walk or jog or workout and earn the extra calories....instead of in place of a meal or blowing my calorie limit......add me as friend if you wish...
  • toysbigkid
    toysbigkid Posts: 545 Member
  • cmbalint
    cmbalint Posts: 71 Member
    some great ideas everybody.Thanks I will be using them this weekend
  • BrentJulius
    BrentJulius Posts: 89 Member
    The way I see it is if my weekend is less than steller, at least 5/7ths of my life is spent eating healthy,lol.. One thing is make sure you are still logging food.. If you had a donut for breakfast a big Mac for lunch, log it, then attempt to limit yourself to stay within or close to your daily goal for the rest of your day..Drinking is a hard one because there's so many empty calories... As long as your not binging out of control to make up for lost calories 1 or 2 cheat days a week won't make much of a difference.. and will probably help you stay motivated to be in it for the long run.. Also make sure you add an hour of fun physical activity each day to sat and sun and that will help to counterbalance. Life's too short to eat baby carrots and chicken breast everyday in my opinion..
  • FalvoPS
    FalvoPS Posts: 25
    While I agree that may be the case for some, I tell everyone I'm dieting. My girlfriend and I rely on each other heavily for support when we diet. The issue for me is that I go from a structured week to free-for-all weekends. While I do work around my house, it is not enough to fill my days. Do you think it would be a good idea to plan my weekend meals in advance to create that structure?
  • BrentJulius
    BrentJulius Posts: 89 Member
    I think that is a great idea and even if eating out, if going out to a restaurant and it happens to have a website with nutritional facts, you can always plan what to get beforehand...
  • heyitsmegxx
    heyitsmegxx Posts: 444
    I agree completely. I'll be so good on the week days, but then the weekend comes and I am home bored, I'll binger eat. It's harder during the week to binge for me because I'm always busy going to school, or whatever. Then, the weekends come, and I just want to eat all day. Ah! It's terrible.
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    I was bad on weekends too, until I quit drinking. That was the single biggest problem. It starts (for me) as a beer or two that I can afford (calorie wise) then ends up with me drinking 1200 cals of alcohol and eating jack in the box at 3 am. Bad cycle....sobering up really changed that for me. :) it makes me mindful of what I am eating, and haveing some extra cals to eat because I don't drink them :)
  • fitmemom
    fitmemom Posts: 22
    I allready know who my enabler is...My husband. I probably do the same to him. I've known all along we should be encouraging each other in the other direction. He's trying to lose weight as well.
  • fitmemom
    fitmemom Posts: 22
    I don't always have the time to log in on the weekends. Honestly, I don't even get around to replying to you all fine people like I'd like.
    I will say, since I posted this at the beginning of the week, I really have felt so motivated from you all, thanks!!
  • fitmemom
    fitmemom Posts: 22
    Well keep up the great work on the giving up drinking if you felt the need. I remember those days of the late night after the bars close visits to the diners. I'm married, again, with children, again. A glass of wine is a treat for me a couple times a week, but at home it doesn't cause me to want to eat. I wish you the best of luck on your journey!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Weekends are my biggest challenge as well! A few things that work for me -

    I make Sunday my only day to indulge (I stay on track Fri. & Sat.)
    I try to get 1 or 2 big calorie burn work outs in
    I log EVERYTHING as painful as it is!!!! Seeing those big red numbers stops me from eating so much!
    I try to get everyone on board with me - cook healthy meals with the boyfriend, suggest restaurants that have a lot of healthy options, if i'm going to a party i'll bring a couple of dishes that i know are healthy and that will be tasty to other people as well.

    Everything in moderation...it's ok to eat fun tasty things (just not the whole container of Ben & Jerry's)

    Other than that...just plain old willpower and determination!!!!!!
  • vhines57
    vhines57 Posts: 58 Member
    Since I've started this journey, I find that I do peachy keen on weekdays, but once I hit friday, saturday & sunday, my carb-monkey jumps on my back & I migrate to beer, burgers, fries & pizza.

    Hubby & I now take Sundays & go to Six Flags, or some other venue where we have to walk, and I allow myself to eat burgers & fries & diet beer....but I have to walk it off.

    The other thing that helps deter me is watching reruns of The Biggest Loser on Netflix.
  • ericarae33
    ericarae33 Posts: 211 Member
    I have the same issue, I just try to work out more on the weekends...I sometimes take two spin classes, and other times a full body weight class at the gym, depending on what we have going on.
  • skoshness
    skoshness Posts: 175
    How long does it take for the food we eat to turn to "weight"?
  • MumMumOfMany
    MumMumOfMany Posts: 79 Member
    i say lets stop beating ourselves up over it! been on this site for 6months, dropped 3 dresses and 4 stone and i swear my success is due to the fact tht weekends i am slack. we all deserve a treat huh! during week im strict strict strict! i weigh in on a fri morn, so once weekend binge is over and my weeks hard work is back on track i still see a loss hehe, prob cheat but works for me!x
  • BazAbroad
    BazAbroad Posts: 248
    my counter attack to the weekend is to double my training sessions and go for it......
    train harder and take a rest day in the week instead of the weekend. :wink:
  • vltaylor35
    vltaylor35 Posts: 72
    i decide in advance what my weekend treat is going to be, whether a couple glasses of wine or a a nice meal. then i log it first thing saturday morning so i know how many calories i have left for the day to work with. it works well for me