UK Based Runners and Walkers - Hope Relay

runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
Not sure if this has already been posted, I've only just found it today and it appears to be new!

The Samsung Hope Relay. It's an Android app that tracks your run or your walk. For every mile you travel, Samsung have agreed to donate £1 to charity.

You create a little avatar using your own face, start the tracker and off you go. It tracks total distance, speed and your fastest mile, and when you stop it it tells you how much you've earned. Your avatar will be shown on their travelling 'caravan' (big truck with huge screen) as it travels the UK following the Olympic torch. It tells you where you'll see your avatar, and it picks somewhere close to you - mine's being shown when the torch passes through Bolton.

Additionally, you can tick a box to say you're happy to be included in their advertising campaigns.

If you're like me and love helping charity, it could be one more motivation - I set it up alongside Endomondo for my run today, did a 5k, hit a new PB...AND raised £3 for charity.

See here to download:


  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Just bumping this one up, sorry. Forums are busy tonight, and don't want anyone to miss out.
  • yuliyax
    yuliyax Posts: 288
    You should post it on UK and Runners group :)