Could I trouble you to take a ppek at my diary?



  • jzaz903
    jzaz903 Posts: 306 Member
    You have alcohol most days, and anything the liver can't process gets stored as fat and it slows your weight loss WAYYYY down. Cut it out for a week and see where you are then.

    Can't agree more with the last statement. It will probably help you tremendously.
  • 519harley
    519harley Posts: 241 Member
    I have to agree, water is pretty much key. It does take a little while to get used to going to the bathroom so much but is worth it. When I started here I was still drinking quite a bit of wine, but now I have cut it way back. It does make a difference. I wish you the very best and like others said, it takes more than 8 days to undo so just be patient. I like to say its like the stock market, goes up and down. My best to you. Please feel free to add me if you like! Karen
  • suemorgan1969
    suemorgan1969 Posts: 132 Member
    Thank you for yr help. My diary is nothing but honest. I think I will try to cut carbs a bit, maybe ham and egg for breakfast instaed of bread and eggs? And maybe a baked potato every other day instead of daily? As for the wine, and I know its my downfall, it is weightwatchers and I log every mouthful. I used to drink cider every night so have switched first to wine, then weight watchers wine, then cut down. I have upped the exercise loads as well and realise i am not a very patient person lol, but 7LBS in 14 days is still good right? Thank you everyione xx
  • hawaii86442
    hawaii86442 Posts: 167
    I agree with the others-too many carbs. Goodness that is a lot of wine. I have a dear friend who loves her wine but also watches her weight. She drinks it with selzer water to stretch it out. I think I would cut back on /eliminate the second portion of wine.

    and what are the quick add??

    Please eat "real" food. Something that can be purchased from the exterior of your local grocer.--and stay away from fast food!!
  • AimersBee
    AimersBee Posts: 775 Member
    "7LBS in 14 days is still good right?"

    That's excellent! Can't go wrong with that.
  • suemorgan1969
    suemorgan1969 Posts: 132 Member
    hi, I dont eat fast food? x
  • devonette
    devonette Posts: 263 Member
    I have upped the exercise loads as well and realise i am not a very patient person lol, but 7LBS in 14 days is still good right? Thank you everyione xx

    You just added another piece to the equation as to why you haven't lost anything in the last 8 days. 7 pounds in 14 days is unusual (possibly mostly water weight), so it is not unusual to follow that with a period of no weight loss.
  • tlp148
    tlp148 Posts: 67 Member
    May I suggest adding Sodium to your tracker. I am close to your age with similar loss goals and am finding that I have had to cut back on a few of my favorite things, like my wine as well as watching my carbs and sodium much more closely. Recently my loss has slowed, however my diet has changed as well as my exercise due to work and the family schedules.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • jaymek92
    jaymek92 Posts: 309 Member
    losing 7 pounds in 14 days is HUGE. and it will not keep up. i lost 5 pounds in 8 days when i started because there was a bunch of water weight i was losing. since then, i've been losing 5-9 pounds per month, as now i'm burning fat and building muscle and my water weight is not fluctuating as greatly.
    you're not tracking your sodium, i noticed. try tracking it and staying under the suggested 2500mg per day. it's a lot harder than you think. it can affect your weight, as high sodium intake tends to increase the water you retain.
    as many others have suggested, seriously cut back on the wine. when 1/3 of your calories are coming from wine, you're not getting the nutrients your body needs. use those calories to keep eating healthily, although you can (and should) indulge once or twice a week. 8 days is also not a long time. it doesn't even count as a plateau until it's been a month or so. just keep working out and eating healthily and you will see results, even if the scale doesn't necessarily reflect the changes.
    personally, i am also a proponent of eating more and lifting heavy, as that's what works for me. experiment with different things and see what works for you, but give it at least 2 or 3 results before you get upset or want to throw in the towel. you didn't gain the weight overnight and you won't lose it overnight. be patient!
  • saraht131
    saraht131 Posts: 86
    Fast food will not affect pretty much every other metabolic process in your body. Alcohol will.
    Fast food will not inhibit the absorption of nutrients from the food that you do eat. Alcohol will.
    Fast food can screw up your blood sugar if it's high in refined carbs. Alcohol will definitely screw your blood sugar. Screwy blood sugar = weight gain.
    You can't compare alcohol and fast food. They aren't the same.

    You need to massively cut down on alcohol if you want to be healthy or lose weight. You will not find a single healthy, slim person who drinks as much as you do on a daily basis.

    However. Many people who drink a lot of alcohol every day are skinny. They're also on death's door, with shot livers, disowned by their family, smell like pee and have lost their jobs. I don't think you want to go there...

    If you have a choice over how much alcohol you drink, cut down how much you drink. Don't cut your carbs or other food so you can carry on drinking - this is how you get malnourished and if you're choosing malnourishment over having a few glasses of wine a day, you should probably speak to your doctor or a trusted friend because you may have a problem.

    (excuse me being frank. I'm not attacking you. You did ask.)
  • Justin_Simmons
    Justin_Simmons Posts: 25 Member
    agreeing with what others say. Decrease wine, increase protein. Keep up the good work and dont be discouraged by the scale. Go by the way you feel.
  • Susiemet
    Susiemet Posts: 19 Member
    I didn't see any water intake in the few days that I flipped through. I would try to drink at least the 8 glasses a day.
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    Bearing in mind that a healthy average loss is .5-2lbs per week, you're doing really well! If you lost 7 in your first week, your body could also be rebounding a little bit. Big losses are sometimes followed by maintains or gains.
  • catpow2
    catpow2 Posts: 206 Member
    Increase your protein, decrease your carbs, cut out the refined carbs (potatoes, white bread, pasta), cut back on the booze. And, yeah, 7lbs in 14 days is actually a lot.