


  • elibeltran
    elibeltran Posts: 2 Member
    I have been doing Zumba 2-3 times a week for the past year (along with Turbo Kickboxing 2 times a week). It took me 1 year to loose about 15 lbs. I'm 5'4 and went from 155 to 139 (ddown to 133 after starting MFP with workouts). I was onlying doing the kick boxing, but Zumba is what really boosted my weight loss. I highly recommend it!!! It's a great and fun workout! Good luck!!!
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    Classes all the way!! The energy level is awesome when you are in a large class! I love it! I have been Zumba-ing it up for almost 4 years (just started calorie counting and all this Jan). But it really depends on the instructor you take! I have tried tons of them and some just don't do it for me. The workouts aren't up to my standards and I feel mad that I paid $6 for minimal burn. But my current instructor I have been with for almost 2 years gives me a burn like I have never received before. With Zumba and Calorie Counting and a little walking I have lost 40 lbs. But my endurance level, breathing abilities (it takes work to breath properly...lol) has all been given to me by doing Zumba I feel. Some of your success will depend on how much you put into it and the instructors knowledge on developing a good program. My person opinion! But you should try out a class sometime if you can!
  • RichardCMolloy
    RichardCMolloy Posts: 130 Member
    Not me! I've tried zumba but being the typical guy, I just stood in the back, trying not to fall over my own feet lol

    This site has worked for me with other cardio workouts.

    If I'm brave enough....I'll try zumba again :)
  • Crystalball78
    I love Zumba. I started MFP on March 19h and to day is my 60th day. I have lost 11lbs and 2 inchs in my waist and 2 inches in my thighs. I do 2 60 minute zumba classes a week, plus I also go to the gym 3 days a week. So Zumba combined with other cardio really works. Feel free to add me.
  • MeliciousGibson
    As to the question about classes vs. home with the games/DVDs - here's what I tell people:

    If you're not comfortable with it yet, do the home workouts or games until you feel more comfortable. Then go try a class, but give it at least 2 classes before you make up your mind. The reason I say to committ to 2 classes is because your first class you won't have any idea what the instructor's routine is like, and you're likely to feel a bit lost and clumsy. By the second class you'll have a better idea of what's going on, and you'll get a better workout.

    If you don't like it at first try you can always find another instructor. Each one is different and has their own "flair".

    I find that the classes are more motivational than the home games/DVD's because you're surrounded by other people - some doing less and some doing more than you. I teach Zumba 3 days a week and still take classes from the other instructor at our facility. It's nice to have different routines other than my own...it's nice to let go of the reins and just follow for a while without everyone looking at me.
  • margie777mar
    Love Zumba and it work!!!
  • LadyIntrepid
    LadyIntrepid Posts: 399 Member
    Zumba's fantastic with the right teacher. Fun and a great way to burn calories. But don't forget to add strength training of some kind as well -- building muscle helps you burn calories even faster, and helps with toning that zumba alone can't.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I lost 25 lbs doing primarily Zumba (50 - 60 min a day, 5-6 days a week) and watching my calories. It took me about 3.5 months.
  • ZumbaBeast86
    I've been doing Zumba since December 2011, but started MFP in January 2012. I've lost 36 pounds, so far, and 10 inches. I go to 4-5 Zumba classes every week (Monday evening regular Zumba; Tuesday early AM Zumba toning; Thursday early AM Zumba Toning; and Thursday evening regular Zumba). If I'm feeling really good, I'll do a Wednesday or Friday evening regular Zumba class.

    I adore Zumba and feel like a spokesperson for the classes. I like the games for Wii and all that, but there's nothing like being in IN a class. Plus, you can't hit the pause or off button during class, so it really motivates you to finish an entire hour.

    I also recommend trying out Zumba toning. It's intense for the first few weeks of it, but it really does make a difference in your progress. I started my classes last month, and I'm already feeling more muscle tone building. The inches I lost were just with regular Zumba and diet.

    Add me as a friend if you like! I love love love me some Zumba!!
  • westdove
    westdove Posts: 174
    Besides nutrition, Zumba has got it done for me! I cant imagine not doing zumba during this process in my life. Plus its fun AND sexy!
  • shay0119
    shay0119 Posts: 32 Member
    Ok. I just got my Zumba Wii game in the mail today. So, I'm jumping on this Zumba train!!!! I hope I see good results like some of you. Please feel free to add me.
  • shay0119
    shay0119 Posts: 32 Member
    I loved my Zumba workout last night. I am definitely adding this to my workout regimen.
  • Brandi9386
    Hi everyone, new to posting here, would just like a little advice.... I starting going to the gym in September, I go at least 3 times a week, it ranges from 3 times to 5 times a week, I do more cardio then anything, treadmill and eliptical , I've lost 20 lbs since September, and I am happy about that, but I am now at a stand still, seems like I cant lose anymore, and I've been doing the same thing i've always done, I have even started the special K diet, I watch what I eat, cut portions down and everything, but my stomach wont seem to go away, its really annoying and discourages me a lot. I am starting Zumba on the 12th for 2 days a week an hour each day (in addition to me still going to the gym and doing my cardio), do you think that will help start back my weight loss or do you think 2 days a week will be a waste of time.