Fellow Wine Lovers



  • ActiveGuy81
    ActiveGuy81 Posts: 705 Member
    When I drink wine....I drink wine. I had three yesterday, six the other day. But it's not too often.
  • ltosoni
    ltosoni Posts: 74 Member
    I'm a white wine lover and at first gave it up when trying to reach my goal but now enjoy a small glass each night with dinner, a bottle will usually last me through the week, hasn't affected my weight at all thank goodness!
  • sonniedee
    sonniedee Posts: 26
    You KNOW wine is in my arsenal!! Haha! As many have stated before, I don't intend to give up wine after I reach my goal weight so I have to figure out how to make it fit within my caloric limits. I may be losing slowly, but I am losing even with a glass or two a night! WOO HOO!!!!!!
  • jephry
    jephry Posts: 55 Member
    As long as it fits within my calorie goals, I'll have a glass or two once or twice a week (more on weekends), and I log each glass.
  • DPernet
    DPernet Posts: 481 Member
    I'm a bit of a wine nut and collector, so cutting down the vino consumption has been hard! I log each glass, and definitely drink less during the week. However, by drinking less wine I can increase the quality of what I buy (and drink) and enjoy that on the weekends!

    I've cut out alcohol until I reach my goal weight. Once I can add it back in then ^^ this is my plan :smokin:
  • ipsamet
    ipsamet Posts: 436 Member
    I've been trying to keep it to just the weekends, but I'll have a glass during the week if it fits into my calories. Whoever said they don't plan on giving it up when they reach their goal weight is exactly right - I'd rather work it into my diet now. So far it's been working for me!
  • hpsaucette
    hpsaucette Posts: 102 Member
    I still drink, but am attempting moderation.

    On a slightly different but still relevant topic; How do people log the wine? Most of the wines that I drink don't already exist or have nutrional/calorie labels on them. Do you just go it's a red therefore I shall log it as a red wine? I had a look and there can be a real difference in calories. Also how do you log cooking with wine, surely quite a lot of it gets cooked off?
  • sweetteacher123
    I loved hearing from all you wine lovers! And to answer how to log wine, I usually just log the varietal. So no matter the producer, I just look up and log Cabernet Sauvognon. Most red, dry wines vary little in calorie content anyway, so sometimes I will log any dry red as a Cab or a Syrah. Reds and whites do differ more in calories though, so I would make sure to log whites as the specific varietal.