Relationship Weight

I was single for about 5 years until Thanksgiving last year. During my single years I got really into fitness and was in the best shape of my life. I moved halfway across the country (Cali to Wisconsin) for an internship, and the stress of the big move threw me off my game for a little over a month. I was slowly making my way back to my healthy fit self when I hired a personal trainer, who not too long after became my boyfriend and stopped training me (our schedules changed and to be honest, I didn't listen to him anymore as a trainer ;) ).

Anyway, months later I've fallen into a slump where I haven't been able to excercise or maintain my calorie intake like I used to. I've only gained about 5 pounds but my once somewhat tightened body has turned to soft mush. I know from experience that fitness is about more than just weight! I've only been able to lose a couple of pounds and then gain it again. A lot of the usual relationship stuff is to blame. For example he eats 4xs more than I do, more often than I do, and more unhealthy than I do. Which in turn negatively affects the way I eat. Of course, he has a gifted metabolism and works out consistantly, so it really has little effect on him. He still has the body of a minor greek god even though he eats basically whatever he wants (I'm talking several packs of Ramen noodles multiple times a week here!). I am also guilty of sacrificing my workout schedule for relationship time. I did not replace him with a new personal trainer because I kept thinking in the back of my mind he would help me train, which I know he wants to but the truth is his new schedule just doesn't allow it and now I can't afford to hire a new one either.

It really sucks to be the slightly chubby unfit girlfriend of a personal trainer. Talk about insecurity. I know that he loves me either way, but it's my love for myself that I'm struggling with! I started C2K a few weeks ago and I'm on week 4. It's a good start but I need the motivation to stay on my calorie intake if it's really going to make the difference. Somehow I can't seem to find the motivation to lift any weights either. I suppose I've always relied on personal trainers to kick my butt back into weight-lifting gear and it was much easier to be motivated when I was single and dating. AGH. >_< I'm struggling with this adjustment. I never thought I'd let myslef get this far gone!


  • SerahLaffere
    SerahLaffere Posts: 223 Member
    I wouldn't worry too much! Being so toned isn't all that. IMO. I'd love to be a little bit cuddly.
    My boyfriend is training to be a fitness instructor so it's pushed me more to lose weight! I'm not to fussed about toning up 100% But it never goes a miss. Just try Jillian's 30 day shred. Its for like 25 minutes a day! And the results are amazing. search the message boards for pictures! :)
