how to satisfy the period "tapeworm"



  • bodyrocks365
    During that ravenous time it's a little comforting to know that I lose hunger a few days before my period ends. Honestly, don't beat yourself up about it. Recognize that it is hormonal/biological and that things will even out in the end. If you feel motivated by the "massive weight gain" that occurs before your period, working out more can help.
  • NannersBalletLegs
    NannersBalletLegs Posts: 207 Member
    LOL @ tapeworm. Clever.

    When I'm on my shark week, I still have the yummies, just in moderation, compared to before when I didn't give a f. Since I started hiking up my workouts more though, I'm finding my sweet cravings to be less intense than before. :]
    ^^^ "shark week" That is the best term I have ever heard for that time of the month. Stealing! :)

    I find that exercise helps me with cramps, so I just exercise, eat what I need to eat, and hope for the best. I usually block off about 4 days where I don't weigh or measure during that time. I still log, because I find it useful to see what I'm craving. Maybe it can help me recognize an area where my nutrition is deficient, ya know?

    I agree with many of the previous responses, though. Just eat maintenance calories for those days. If you're not sure what those are, find a good online BMR calculator and find out what you would need to eat to stay at the same weight.

    Best of luck!
  • LPCoder
    LPCoder Posts: 404 Member
    I found a great product to much on when I get cravings... Microwave pork rinds. Because they are microwaved, they are low in fat and high in protein. Here are the deets:

    J&J Microwave Pork Rinds
    1 oz. serving
    4g Total Fat
    1.5g Saturated fat
    >1g carbohydrate
    0 sugar
    23g Protein