am i doing good ?

i started my weight loss journey on april 30, 2012 (im a newbie). anyway, my first week i lost 9lbs, last week i lost 5lbs. and today i weighed myself and only lost 1lb over the weekend.

i feel like i am failing myself because i weigh myself everyday and somedays (like today) i dont lose very much weight. im doing everything right, and havent cheated what so ever!

i was wondering if someone can look at my food diary and let me know if im doing something wrong ? i appreciate anyones help, thanks <3


  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    YOU ARE NOT FAILING YOURSELF!!! Get that silly idea out of your head right now missy!! You are doing well, and your diary looks pretty good, just be careful not too eat too little or your workouts will start to suffer.

    Oftentimes people will lose a lot of weight at first just because they haven't been moving too much and not eating well. The first week a lot of that was probably water weight. If you were eating a lot of unhealthy processed foods before, you probably had a lot of extra sodium, which makes you hold extra water.

    I'd recommend sticking the scale in the back corner of your closet for another month. Stick with what you've been doing, keep up the healthy diet and the good workouts (I see you've had some 400-500 calorie burns, nice!). If you stick with it you will notice your clothes fit better, and you feel better. The scale is not good for seeing incremental progress. Think about this, a 20 oz. water bottle weighs one pound. So if you weigh yourself now, drink two glasses of water, then weigh yourself again in 5 minutes, you'll be a pound heavier. See where I'm going with this? Basically the scale is not a good indicator, really who cares what your weight is anyway, I'm sure as a woman your main goal is to be smaller, and weight is not a good indication of size.

    Check out this pic I posted last week and watch the youtube video in the thread, it will better explain what I'm talking about...
  • marirocks225
    marirocks225 Posts: 18 Member
    thank you for all your help ! it's hard for me to think positive ! however, this time i am determined to change that about myself along with being fat LOL :)