Jogging/walking help!

So I started the "ease into c25k" which is what I need the regular program is a bit to hard for me at this moment. This one starts a little slower. Anyway, I am having a terrible time trying to get myself to breath in and out. I am focusing on it but still feeling like I have asthma, which I don't. My second problem is with my shoes. Can someone tell me how to best fit for shoes. I bought a pair of running shoes, blanking on the name at the moment and they are comfortable and they fit with a little room to move my toes, but when I start walking at a fast pace or jogging they slide on my heal particularly my left one and I am on my second blister that forms at the top of where the shoe hits. And for some odd reason my toes and outside of my right foot kind of falls asleep. I am dedicated, I want this to work! Can anyone offer some help?