Doesn't this sound like diabetes?



  • nanandbai
    nanandbai Posts: 15 Member
    This will be my last comment, as it seems to be turning into an argument. All I wanted to do was consider your info and share mine. No, nothing can CAUSE Diabetes if one alreaady has it. But, if I was to continue to eat sugar regularly, my reading would spike and my hemoglobin A1C counts would be too high. eating right IS important, as you said. and yes, eating starches, etc CAn aid in getting Diabetes, as much of that (esp carbs) turns to sugar. When your body then produces too much insulin (the pancreas slows down), you are then in trouble. so yes, too much sugar, starch, carbs, etc CAN lead to Diabetes. It may not for everyone. Some people may get it quicker than others. but, eating too much sugar can kill.

    I respect your article, although I don't agree with it. I have proof. But, I will again say - we have people on this forum striving to get healthy. Telling diabetics that sugar won't harm them is dangerous.
  • nanandbai
    nanandbai Posts: 15 Member
    Not necessarilly. you could be pre-Diabetic and a healthy diet, low on sugar and carbs could aid in getting your pancreas moving properly again, thus creating the right amounts of insulin. This could assist you in not becoming Diabetic. often, it can be controlled by diet...low in starches, carbs and sugar.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    I meant, "Doesn't this sound like diabetes?" to signify the high possibility of me contracting diabetes from eating this--or perhaps, the extreme way in which this meal resembles something that would trigger a diabetic coma, à la the scent of a Waffle House.

    nope you'll be fine, IMO.

    I have greek yogurt, milk, blueberries, raspberries, and whey every day after training.
  • PiperMommy11
    This will be my last comment, as it seems to be turning into an argument. All I wanted to do was consider your info and share mine. No, nothing can CAUSE Diabetes if one alreaady has it. But, if I was to continue to eat sugar regularly, my reading would spike and my hemoglobin A1C counts would be too high. eating right IS important, as you said. and yes, eating starches, etc CAn aid in getting Diabetes, as much of that (esp carbs) turns to sugar. When your body then produces too much insulin (the pancreas slows down), you are then in trouble. so yes, too much sugar, starch, carbs, etc CAN lead to Diabetes. It may not for everyone. Some people may get it quicker than others. but, eating too much sugar can kill.

    I respect your article, although I don't agree with it. I have proof. But, I will again say - we have people on this forum striving to get healthy. Telling diabetics that sugar won't harm them is dangerous.

    i just read all the posts and no one was 'promoting diabetics to eat sugar'... it's just that the American Diabetic Association was stating on that site (link) that it will not 'cause' diabetes. you may believe and probably were told that is what caused yours; however, as you state... it's not the same for everyone.

    The only person turning it into an 'argument' was you... The other poster was stating facts from the ADA... Not antagonizing... but you seem quite defensive.
  • PiperMommy11
    Another interesting point about diabetes... I had gestational diabetes in both my pregnancies and, thus, met with the diabetes clinic at my local hospital and was monitored by an Endocrinologist. Some people who already monitor their blood sugar believe that if their blood sugar is a little high it's okay because they just ate something super sweet. That's not true. If you are not diabetic or insulin resistant, you should be able to eat an entire chocolate cake and have your blood sugar remain normal. That's what natural insulin is created for... to take care of the blood sugar before it becomes a problem. If you're getting high readings you're likely already diabetic.

    I, too, had gestational diabetes. My age and family history came into play. I was not a 'sweet' food lover... mine was the carbs factor. However, my husband eats just as bad as I did... and loads of carbs... and he's fine. I'm fine now that I'm not pregnant...
  • nanandbai
    nanandbai Posts: 15 Member
    Glad you now agree with me. you said it yourself...not everyone is the same. so, to say that no one will get Diabetes from eating too much sugar or too many carbs/starches doesn't make sense. someone may never get it but others can from eating too many of these things. I am not defensive. I am an adult who respects your choice to believe what you want. All I say is don't put it out there that you can eat all the sweets you want when you're Diabetic. some people fighting that demon may listen.
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    Glad you now agree with me. you said it yourself...not everyone is the same. so, to say that no one will get Diabetes from eating too much sugar or too many carbs/starches doesn't make sense. someone may never get it but others can from eating too many of these things. I am not defensive. I am an adult who respects your choice to believe what you want. All I say is don't put it out there that you can eat all the sweets you want when you're Diabetic. some people fighting that demon may listen.

    No one has said that you can eat all the sweets you want if you're diabetic. There is no current scientific evidence to support your position that eating too much sugar CAUSES diabetes. There is no causal link established according to medical literature. I'd be happy to be corrected, but need links to reliable sources.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I'm diabetic but I wouldn't mind eating that one sometimes whenever I'm experiencing a crash on my blood sugar.

    Another thing to point out is that while sugar is the known number one enemy, the truth is that simple carbohydrates is the main culprit & sugar is just one of many carbohydrate sources. We don't have to totally eliminate it but avoid it as much as possible & in case that an occassion calls for it, we have to watch out the quantity especially if the condition is worse.
  • nanandbai
    nanandbai Posts: 15 Member
    Respectfully again (not in defense as accused), I don't need articles to prove a point. I ended up with Diabetes. I have an enormous sweet tooth. Within days of cutting back, my levels began to drop. Coinsidence? Within 2 weeks, my first hemoglobin A1C was down 3 points. My mistake many years ago-I replaced sweets with carbs. Carbs turn to sugar. My counts went back up. Upon bringing them down, my counts decreased. I now see a nutritionist and am here. I don't need to provide proof of anything. I look at cause...yes, cause and effect. My Dr, specializing in Diabetes told me that my sweet tooth was the main culprit. I have no Diabetes in my family. Yes, I could be more suseptible than someone else and the sugar and carbs took it over the edge, causing me to be Diabetic.
    Agree or don't-that is your choice. Like I have said many times as I didn't want this to get ugly, I respect your info. I respectfully disagree. I am not defending myself...I don't need to. I have stayed polite, although the same wasn't done to me. People are allowed to disagree without others verbally berading them. Lastly, when on a site like this where people are trying to lose weight and adapt healthy eating habits, I believe it was said (not necessarilly by you) that you can eat an entire chocolate cake and it won't affect your sugar levels...not so...I am living proof. AND that is dangerous and well...quite cruel to tell someone who is trying to break such habits. Nothing against you . Let's just HELP each other, respect each other and care instead of getting bent out of shape because someone questions something you say. done...I was trying to be helpful...thought that's what this was all about. I won't even read your next comment.