skin tag problem



  • Laurej
    Laurej Posts: 227
    get it checked out!! chances r your primary care dr will just snip it off right there in the office.. I had one, got it looked at and the dr said it's just a tag, you can get it removed. I asked about the cost, and he pulled out some scissors and snip LOL
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    If you do go to the doctor for it, let them know you don't have insurance and ask if the offer a discount for paying at the time of the visit. Most doctors around here knock anywhere from 20 - 40% off, which definitely helps. Give them a call and ask.
  • Nucky719
    Nucky719 Posts: 143
    Tie a piece of thread around it tightly and it should fall off on its own within a few days.
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    I make mine the center of attention. I just tell people I've had it ever since they removed my conjoined twin.
  • ashley67203
    ashley67203 Posts: 95
    Don't to it yourself. I did it once and it hurt WAY more than it should have and bled like nobody's business. I'm usually pretty tough but it made me cry. The dermatologist will do it for you for the cost of the copay and it will not be near as traumatic.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Doctor is best solution. I had a friend's son injured in a motorcycle accident. No health insurance so he tried to doctor himself. Infection set up so he had to go to the doctor anyway... Wound up in ICU and now has extensive brain damage and is essentially an invalid... Yes, this is a different situation but as one post said... Surgery is NOT a do it yourself proposition. I'd either let the doctor do it or just live with it... I have a few myself...Nothing major so I don't worry about them.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    As far as home remedy type things go, this is pretty minimal (compared to a friend of mine who once removed two of his own wisdom teeth). I've tried the fingernail clippers thing on one under my arm. There wasn't even any blood, it just stung for a moment. But that was very small, around two or three millimeters in "length" and diameter. Your sounds a little more than I would want to remove with that method, though; I know I couldn't hack it.

    That said, you should always go to a doctor to have any sort of "procedure" performed. The removal of anything too biological from one's body can be a pretty serious and it would be awful if something were to become infected.

    That said, if you're not going to go to the doctor then the only right thing would be to suggest healthy alternatives to cutting it off with a rusty pair of scissors!

    In your situation the process of a little "docking," I suppose you could call it, doesn't seem out of the question. Simply cut off the blood flow as others have mentioned with some floss or something of that nature and it will fall right off after 2-3 days at most.
  • pfarley68
    pfarley68 Posts: 83 Member
    My daughter had one on her ear when she was born. The doctor after she was a few months old tied a string around it to cut off the blood supply, eventually it feel off. Not sure if this is feasible for you but it was effective.