Honestly: I need support!

We've all heard the le sigh of "been trying, tried so many times, going to try again."

I've been there.

I'm here because I have stalked google images enough to realize people lose weight everyday. It's not impossible. It's starting and not stoping.

When I'm honest with myself, I cannot do this without support.

So what do ya say? Let's be friends??? :)


  • mummawylie
    mummawylie Posts: 61
    I'd love to be your friend, feel free to add me :smile:
  • beesexy27
    beesexy27 Posts: 24
    Thank you! I added you of course! :)
  • nicolekrezinski
    nicolekrezinski Posts: 42 Member
    Feel free to add me. I like getting/giving support!
  • beesexy27
    beesexy27 Posts: 24
    I like the bracelets!
    MADBRAND Posts: 17
    Feel free to add me, and remember its not a diet but a healthy lifestyle :)
  • Lauraeb32
    Lauraeb32 Posts: 17 Member
    I need all the support and friends I can get " added" you to my friends too!
  • beesexy27
    beesexy27 Posts: 24
    Feel free to add me, and remember its not a diet but a healthy lifestyle :)

    I agree!!! Lifestyle change.
  • beesexy27
    beesexy27 Posts: 24
    Perfect! I'm sick of trying to do it by myself! My best friend is seriously a model... It nice to have people who understand where I'm coming from. :)
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    You can add me. I know how you feel, sadly. :sad:
  • AimeeLynn90
    AimeeLynn90 Posts: 94
    You can add me! Im pretty active on here and I love the support as well. :)

    Anyone else can feel free to add as well!
  • cheynbrian
    cheynbrian Posts: 16 Member
    def need the support too! :) its nice to know there are people out there going through the same thing! :)
  • Sd0510
    Sd0510 Posts: 295 Member
    You can add me!
    I have been here since December and lost 20 pounds in about 2 months, but couldn't keep track of my calories when my classes started again for the new semester. I am now back on track and looking to add new friends! =)